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3. Stephan Glickert, 7750 Blackberry <br />Mr. Glickert said he has never seen a regular scheduled street sweeper on his street <br />except on the day of the Memorial Day run on a Sunday. He wondered if they were paid <br />extra being a holiday Sunday, when it could have been done on a Friday. Secondly he <br />asked why the inspectors mail out violations rather then posting on the house while the <br />inspector is there. <br />4. Robyn Hamlin was present to introduce herself to the residents as she is running for US <br />Representative in the First Congressional District and welcomed anyone to contact her for <br />more information. <br />H. PUBLIC HEARINGS <br />The Finance DirectorlDeputy City Manager Janet Watson presented a PowerPoint presentation <br />showing the City's finance for FY11 budget. She stated the revenue for FY 11 is $41,693,000 <br />and the expenditures for FY 11 is $43, 209,000, presenting a deficit budget which means the <br />City will use some reserves set aside from previous years. The General Fund is the City's <br />operating fund. The revenue for the General Fund is $25,268,000 and the expenditures is $27, <br />550,000, leaving a 2.2 million dollar deficit of which 1 million of it is related to the flood buy out, <br />and so the actual operating deficit is 1.2 million dollars. tither funds are Grant funds, Library <br />fund, Economic Development Sales Tax fund, the CALGP fund is a fee received from cable <br />bills, Sewer Later fund from fee on property taxes, and Debt Service fund where City funds <br />General Gbligation bonds. Ms. Watson noted there are three active special taxing districts, the <br />alive Special TIF, Loop district and the Parkview Garden district. She stated there is one <br />internal service fund which is the fleet maintenance fund, one enterprise fund which is the Loop <br />parking garage and tonight's agenda is requesting the Solid Waste Management fund to <br />become an Enterprise fund. An Enterprise fund means they are treated as a business where <br />assets are depreciated. University City's sales tax presently is 7.925 percent. Ms. Watson said that we receive more out of the pool of cities then the City does as a Point of Sale. <br />Ms. Watson <br />noted that the City receives about ten percent of the personal property tax. The School District <br />receives fifty-eight percent of the personal property tax followed by the Special School District <br />which receives thirteen percent. Gut of the ten percent of the personal property tax the City <br />receives it uses about 54 cents out of seven dollars is for operations. Ms. Watson used a <br />comparison of a $200,000 house; a personal property tax bill in 2009 was a little over $2,700. <br />Gut of the $2,700, the City receives $285 of it with the general operation receive $206, the <br />police and fire retirement $58 and the debt service $21. Ms. Watson passed out a comparison <br />of University City with other municipalities with fire departments. This graph is attached at the <br />end. Ms. Watson stated that in FY 09 the Solid Waste Management was taken out of the <br />General Fund and FY 10 the Grant Fund was taken out and put in a separate fund. The Grant <br />Fund made a large fluctuation in the General Fund and any change that was lost in actual <br />operation. She noted that in 2007, the City was spending almost all of the revenue it received. <br />Ms. Watson said that she believed the City could not make it to FY 12 without making <br />substantial changes. Ms. Watson said the issue tonight is the City's future and what can be <br />done to change it. <br />Public Hearing on the Fiscal Year 11 Proposed Budget was opened at 7:15 p.m. <br />Richard Dockett, 6844 Crest Ave <br />Mr. Dockett asked to have a meeting with Mayor Welsch to discuss the programs and how the <br />City can help to continue to improve the life of the senior citizens of the area. He would like to <br />have some funding available for the senior needs. <br />June 21, 2010 2 D-2-2 <br />