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June 7, 1982
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City Council Minutes
June 7, 1982
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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1309, Minutes Page 4 <br /> June 7, 1982 <br /> <br /> <br /> was understood that permission was for this summer only and will not be renewed in <br /> future years. He said conditions included a limitation of swimming to three days a <br /> week for three hours a day between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m., with a one-hour mid- <br /> day closing. <br /> Ms Barbara Jones, 8038 Appleton, asked to address the Council. Ms Jones, a teacher <br /> at Childgrove School, said she felt that the neighbor who complained to the City <br /> about the use of the pool next door to her home should have spoken with the pool <br /> owner directly to see if a compromise could be worked out. <br /> Ms Suzanne Becker, 1338D McCutcheon, Richmond Heights, asked to address the Council. <br /> Ms Becker, co-director of the summer camp, said she had been involved in the summer <br /> program the last two years, and during that time no complaints had been directed to <br /> anyone involved in the swimming program, <br /> <br /> Ms Cathy Frisse, 6901 Delmar, co-director of the summer camp, asked to address the <br /> Council. Ms Frisse said that all plans for operation of the camp, including using <br /> the pool in question, were made by the end of March. A brochure was sent out and a <br /> budget was prepared, which did not include funds for the use of any other swimming <br /> facility, and staff were hired. She said this pool had been used for the past five <br /> years, with no complaints made at any time, and in fact several neighbors said they <br /> enjoyed seeing the children use the pool. Just a few weeks ago, a complaint was re- <br /> ceived by the City from one of the neighbors. Ms Frisse said alternatives were then <br /> looked for, even though funds were not available, and a place was found for the old- <br /> er swimmers, age nine through twelve. However, nothing was found for the others. <br /> She said if the conditional use permit were granted, there would be no free play in <br /> the pool, and the entire time would be spent in instruction. Also, the ratio of <br /> adults to children would be five to a maximum of seventeen. She would also inform <br /> her staff that noise must be kept at a minimum. Mrs. Metcalfe asked about a pro- <br /> posed 45-minute swim period, and Ms Frisse said total "on premises" time would be <br /> 45 minutes, not 45 minutes in the pool. Mr. Levy asked what alternatives had been <br /> explored. Ms Frisse said Heman Park pool was not available, the YMCAs in the area <br /> did not have enough time available, and Washington University did not have time <br /> available. She said the Heman pool could not be used because a small percentage of <br /> the students did not live in University City. <br /> Mr. Warren Danziger, 7222 Stanford, asked to address the Council. He asked that <br /> the Council take into consideration the positive contributions made by Childgrove <br /> School to the community. He felt that benefits to the community through granting <br /> the conditional use permit outweighed any negatives. He said Mr. and Mrs. Gian- <br /> oulakis, owners of the pool, had a loving, caring attitude toward children, and <br /> tried to be considerate of their neighbors. <br /> Mr. Jerry Young, 7025 Washington, asked to address the Council. He said he felt <br /> strongly that if the conditional use permit was issued, it be very limited and for <br /> this summer only. The Mayor said that was what was being considered. Mr. Young <br /> _ said a compromise should be reached where both sides felt as if they had gained <br /> something. He had one concern which had not been addressed--those who drive in <br /> the alley behind the pool sometimes speed, and he was concerned that children us- <br /> ing the pool might at some time be in the alley, walking to or from the camp lo- <br /> cation at Childgrove School. <br />
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