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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1308, Minutes Page 13 <br /> May 24, 1982 <br /> <br /> BILL NO. 7536 - ORDERING THE LEVY AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES TO BE COLLECTED IN <br /> UNIVERSITY CITY FOR THE FISCAL.YEAR 1982-83... <br /> A bill was introduced by Councilmember Metcalfe, entitled: <br /> <br /> "AN ORDINANCE ORDERING THE LEVY AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXES TO BE COLLECTED IN THE <br /> CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1982-83, TO PROVIDE FOR THE GENERAL REV- <br /> ENUE, TO PROVIDE FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MAINTENANCE OF A FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY AND <br /> READING ROOM, TO PROVIDE FOR THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST AND THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A DEBT <br /> SERVICE FUND FOR ALL OUTSTANDING BONDS OF THE CITY, AND TO PROVIDE FOR A POLICE AND <br /> FIREMEN'S RETIREMENT FUND." <br /> The bill was assigned No. 7536 and given its first reading. <br /> <br /> MISCELLANEOUS <br /> Mayor Mooney called attention to a communication from the Historic Preservation Com- <br /> mission relative to negotiations for the copper from the City Hall roof (which is <br /> to be replaced). He asked Mr. Ollendorff to do whatever was necessary to cooperate <br /> <br /> i~ with the Historic Preservation Commission. <br /> 1 Mr. Lieberman asked Mayor Mooney if he would like to have the Couacil's support in <br /> the.matter_of the upcoming $600,000,000 statewide bond issue which is to be voted <br /> on June 8. The Mayor said that support would be very welcome. Mr. Lieberman so <br /> moved. Mrs. Metcalfe said everyone should be very appreciative of the enormous <br /> amount of time and effort the Mayor has devoted to this bond issue. It was noted <br /> that many new jobs are expected to result if the bond issue is successful, in addi- <br /> tion to the fact that many maintenance projects, such as floodwater control will be <br /> accomplished. Mrs. Metcalfe asked how this would be accomplished without a tax in- <br /> crease. Mr. Lieberman said the bond issue authorizes the state to borrow money and <br /> it is expected to be repaid by increased revenues and savings on various projects <br /> which will result from increased efficiency, energy saving measures and eventually <br /> in decreased maintenance costs. Mr. Lieberman said this money can also be factored <br /> against federal dollars for certain capital projects, and it was estimated that the <br /> bond issue might attract as much as two billion dollars in leveraged funds. Mr. <br /> Schoomer seconded Mr. Lieberman`s motion, with all voting Aye. <br /> Mr. Lieberman said he was very pleased to see that the Superintendent of Schools <br /> and City Manager had agreed on the school safety program elements, particularly af- <br /> ter the vast changes which have taken place within the school district because of <br /> school closings. He asked if the school crossing positions were included in the <br /> 1982-83 budget, and Mr. Ollendorff said they were. <br /> Mr. Adams brought up the matter of the 518c. sales tax proposed by Mayor Schoemehl <br /> of St. Louis and St. Louis County Executive Gene McNary, which-is to be on the Aug- <br /> ust 3 ballot. Mr. Adams was somewhat concerned about whether or not the tax would <br /> be used for its intended purposes, considering that only part of the transportation <br /> sales tax going to St. Louis County was being used for mass transit, and the rest <br /> was being used for peripheral transportation. He said University City should ask <br /> the County Executive to allocate money for University City senior citizen transpor- <br /> tation instead of loaning it to the state for road building. He made that motion. <br /> Mr. Lieberman said he.would like to second the motion, with certain provisos, not- <br /> ing that there were many things concerning the transportation tax that needed to be <br />