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<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Session 1308, Minutes Page 11 <br /> May 24, 1982 <br /> <br /> City also belonged to the Missouri Municipal League and the St. Louis County Muni- <br /> cipal League, and he thought those memberships should be continued since it seemed <br /> that most of the action in the future would take place on the state and local, rath- <br /> er than national, levels. Mr. King said he hoped the Council would consider what <br /> leaving the NLC would mean--giving up the opportunity to lobby Congress and the ad- <br /> ministration in Washington. He said that University City should be part of any lob- <br /> bying group which worked for the benefit of cities. Mayor Mooney reiterated that <br /> he thought direct lobbying of congressional members was more effective than trying <br /> to work through the NLC. <br /> Mr. Lieberman said University City is one of 29 Missouri cities which are direct <br /> members of the NLC. He felt the City has had and still does have a leadership role <br /> in the NLC. In addition to the 29 votes, the Missouri Municipal League has 20 <br /> votes, giving Missouri considerable clout during election of leaders, officers, <br /> boards of directors and voting on national policy. In response to Mayor Mooney, <br /> Mr. Lieberman said there were 443 cities, towns and villages who were members of <br /> the Missouri Municipal League, but that not all of them were qualified to be di- <br /> rect member cities of the NLC. Mr. Lieberman said that he also reads the newslet- <br /> ter, which brings a focus on municipal matters that was difficult to get in other <br /> ways. He agreed with Mr. Adams that membership on steering committees was impor- <br /> tant to establishing certain trends of policy for the NLC. <br /> Mrs. Elsie Glickert, 6712 Etzel, asked to address the Council. She wished to know <br /> if the NLC had moved into its new office building. Mayor Mooney said they had, and <br /> they assessed member cities a large amount of money to pay for this building, in ad- <br /> dition to the regular dues. <br /> Mrs. Metcalfe said it should also be borne in mind that talking about membership in <br /> the NLC involves much more than the $1500 dues. There is a travel budget associat- <br /> ed with participation on the steering committees, which increases the amount expend- <br /> ed considerably. She thought the most valuable part of the national meetings was <br /> attending the seminars, which she felt were superb and which could be of great di- <br /> rect benefit to University City through what councilmembers learn and bring back <br /> with them, but she noted it was not necessary to be a member to attend the seminars. <br /> She said that after giving the matter considerable thought, she was opposed to the <br /> City's membership at this time. She said she was somewhat disillusioned at what <br /> she has seen as an abuse by the Council and felt that was probably true for many <br /> former Councils, as well. She'said she would like to see the Council attend the <br /> seminars on a staggered basis, returning with information that can be shared with <br /> the rest of the Council and which benefitted University City. <br /> Mr. Levy asked for clarification concerning Mrs. Metcalfe's comments. She said it <br /> was her personal observation that the Council had not taken full advantage of and <br /> taken the time to follow through on attending the seminars and following up on <br /> what was learned at the seminars, noting that she felt this was the best potential <br /> benefit of attending national meetings, but does not require direct membership. In <br /> addition, the cost of being on a steering committee added a considerable amount to <br /> what is paid in dues. <br /> Mrs. Thompson said it disturbed her that an analysis had not been made concerning <br /> the City's membership in the NLC (the advantages and disadvantages), and that she <br /> would like to see that in writing before any action is taken concerning membership. <br /> She would like a comparison of the last few years with the years preceding in order <br />