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<br />Education Complex Historic District standards reference the Secretary of <br />the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties as the <br />guidelines all projects must follow. The architect explained that they tried <br />to adhere to these guidelines as much as possible. <br /> <br />Comments and questions from the Commission and responses included: <br /> <br />- Preservation Brief number 14 published by the National Park Service <br />addresses the topic of new exterior additions to historic buildings. In <br />this document, the NPS highlights three key points meant to provide <br />guidance to those planning an addition to a historic building. The three <br />items are: (1) preservation of significant historic materials and features, <br />(2) preservation of historic character, and (3) protection of historical <br />significance by making a visual distinction between old and new. Has <br />the architect met each item for consideration in the best manner <br />possible? <br /> <br />Architect: The addition was unavoidable due to consolidation and <br />enrollment numbers. Based on the existing renovations necessary, <br />such as the gym and library, this was the design they felt best met the <br />needs of the school. The existing gym and library were up to today’s <br />standards and by moving the gym and library to the addition, the <br />existing ones could be renovated into more appropriately used space. <br />As far as preservation of significant historic materials and features, the <br />architect stated that was shown in the scale of the addition. By <br />keeping the building height lower, and stepping the roof line down with <br />each section, more of the original building was able to be displayed <br />when looking at it from the west. Preservation of historic character <br />was also taken into consideration and again, the scale of the addition <br />does not obstruct the historic character. Visual distinction was met by <br />not blending any of the new into the old, but by providing an obvious <br />line of separation between the two building sections. This item was <br />most easily addressed, and the architect stated they did so in the best <br />way they thought possible. <br /> <br />Commission members: Responding to the architect, some Commission <br />members stated they think the architect did a good job meeting the <br />third item for consideration from the NPS, but perhaps could have <br />done more to address items one and two. Still other Commission <br />members stated the architect did the best they could taking into <br />consideration the layout of the existing building and that the addition is <br />a necessity. While the Commission members generally agreed that <br />the proposed layout, use, and site plan met the NPS Standards, they <br />would still like further discussion about exterior materials, appearance, <br />aesthetics, and minor design issues. <br /> <br />- There were previous proposals from the bond issue that was passed <br />by voters. How did the architect decide on this layout and design? <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />Historic Preservation Commission Minutes – June 17, 2010 <br />Q:\WPOFFICE\Historic Preservation Commission\Minutes <br /> <br />