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<br />. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Minutes - Plan Commission <br />Page 3 <br />June 22, 1988 <br /> <br />Mr. McCauley asked the applicant to respond to any questions by Plan <br />Commission members. Ms. Kreishman asked what the designated height of the <br />proposed canopy would be. Mr. Polk stated that there would be 16 feet from <br />ground level to the bottom of the canopy fascia, and the canopy fascia <br />itself would measure 30 inches. Ms. Kreishman asked what the existing hours <br />of operation were at the station; Mr. Smith replied that the current hours <br />of operation were from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. Chairman McCauley asked if all <br />four pump islands would be for self-service. Mr. Smith replied that two of <br />the pump islands would be self-serve while the other two would provide full <br />service. The full service pumps would only be in operation during daylight <br />hours. Chairman McCauley also asked about the extent of the canopy overhang <br />and the lighting underneath it. Mr. Smith replied that the canopy did not <br />extend over the front property line which was approximately 20 feet back of <br />the curb along Forsyth Boulevard. Mr. Polk explained that the canopy <br />lighting would be diffused downward so as not to project onto any <br />surrounding residential property. Mr. Washington asked what the hours of <br />operation for the service bays would be; Mr. Smith replied that the hours <br />for the service bays would be the same as they had been in the past and <br />would be under the leasee's discretion to determine their necessity. Mr. <br />Rice asked how close the canopy was to the Forsyth Boulevard right-of-way. <br />Mr. Polk replied that the canopy extended to within 20 feet of Forsyth <br />Boulevard. Mr. Rice asked if it could not be moved back closer to the <br />building. Mr. Polk replied that a walkway and driveway were needed in front <br />of the building and the canopy support would, in the case of its relocation, <br />intrude into the driveway area between the building and the gasoline pumps. <br />Mr. McCauley noted that no members of the public were present to speak to <br />the Conditional Use Permit application. <br /> <br />After further discussion, Ms. Kreishman moved that the Plan Commission <br />recommend approval of the application for the Conditional Use Permit #267 by <br />Polk & Vouga, Inc. on behalf of Amoco Oil Company subject to the following <br />conditions: <br /> <br />1. The owner enter into an acceptable agreement with the City regarding a <br />relocation of the pump islands and canopy in the event it becomes <br />necessary to widen the Forsyth Boulevard right-of-way. <br /> <br />2. The non-conforming sign is removed and replaced with a conforming sign. <br /> <br />Mr. Washington seconded the motion. Chairman McCauley called for a <br />discussion on the motion. Mr. Rice stated his concern with the intrusion of <br />the canopy into the 35 foot setback area required by the General Commercial <br />District regulations. He felt it was not the intent of the Code to permit <br />such an intrusion of a permanent structure. Chairman McCauley called for a <br />vote on the motion which passed by a vote of 6-1. <br /> <br />REOUEST TO AMEND PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR A 1.6 ACRE TRACT ON THE WEST SIDE OF <br />NORTH AND SOUTH ROAD AT BALSON AVENUE. RUFKAHR LAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY <br /> <br />Chairman McCauley noted that the Rufkahr Land Development Company had <br />requested approval of an amended preliminary plat for a single family home <br />