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<br />January 25, 2006 Plan Commission Minutes <br /> <br />Page 2 of 13 <br /> <br />Hearing: Resubdivision - Condominium, 6409 Enright, 6415 Enright and 705 Interdrive <br /> <br />The Chairperson announced that a hearing was scheduled concerning an application from CJ Real <br />Estate Company, LLC c/o Larry Wurm of James Engineering, 10811 Big Bend Blvd., Kirkwood, MO <br />63122 for final plat approval to subdivide a six-family building and a seven-family building into <br />condominium units. <br /> <br />The Chairperson noted the Commission's procedures and criteria for reviewing subdivision plats. The <br />applicant gave an overview of the proposal and asked that it be approved. Mr. Hill gave the staff <br />recommendation that the application be approved per the Staff Report. The Chairperson asked for <br />comments from the members of the Public. No members of the public wished to speak. <br /> <br />Mr. Marrentette moved that the Plan Commission recommend approval of the final plat. The motion <br />was seconded by Ms. Borg and passed by a vote of 5 to 0 with all members voting "aye." <br /> <br />Comprehensive Plan Update of 2005 <br /> <br />Staff provided background on the status of the planning process. Plan Commission adopted the <br />Comprehensive Plan Update of2005 (Plan) at the July 12, 2005 meeting. The Plan was then <br />forwarded to City Council for review and adoption. In a discussion session, City Council developed a <br />list of 58 proposed revisions to the Plan (Attachment 1 incorporated herein by reference) for Plan <br />Commission consideration. Staff reviewed the proposed revisions and incorporated many of the minor <br />or editorial changes into the Plan. Staff did not incorporate fourteen of the proposed revisions <br />(Attachment 2 incorporated herein by reference) because they are either currently addressed by the <br />Plan or not appropriate for plan inclusion. Most of these fourteen items center on two issues: the Infill <br />Review Board and economic development. At this evening's meeting, staff is seeking feedback from <br />Plan Commission on the proposed City Council revisions and concurrence with staff the <br />recommendation to include all but fourteen of the proposed revisions. Plan Commission <br />recommendations will then be forwarded to City Council. <br /> <br />Plan Commission members generally discussed the 58 proposed City Council revisions. Many of the <br />items were deemed to be non-issues and should be incorporated into the document. <br /> <br />Item 1 of the City Council proposed revisions was discussed. Plan Commission agreed with staff that a <br />preface is not needed as the document contains and executive summary. <br /> <br />Item 5 of the City Council proposed revisions was discussed. Councilmember Wagner requested an <br />explanation as to why the statement ..." An uncertain national economy also has an effect on State and <br />local revenues. Federal funds that would ordinarily have been dedicated to social, infrastructure and <br />housing programs have been diverted to security." ... was included in the Plan. Staff explained that it <br />was important to indicate that federal and state funding for community development, transportation, and <br />housing activities has decreased and been diverted to homeland security. As a result, the availability of <br />grant and pass through funding to local governments for certain activities has significantly decreased. Mr. <br />Myers further stated that it provided a snapshot in time of economic conditions and could remain in the <br />document. Plan Commission members agreed that the statement should remain in the document. <br />