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University City Green Practices Commission Bylaws <br />February 9, 2012 <br />Page 2 <br />C.The officers’ duties are as follows: <br />1.The Chairperson shall convene scheduled meetings, shall <br />preside, or shall arrange for other members of the Commission <br />to preside, at each meeting in the following order: Secretary, <br />thenanother voting member. <br />2.The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of <br />Commission actions, including: (1)overseeingthe taking of <br />minutes at all meetings, (2) sending out meeting agendas, <br />distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each <br />Commission member, and (3) assuring that Commission <br />records are maintained. <br />III.Subcommittees: <br />A.Each of the seven voting members shall chair one of the following <br />subcommittees. The subcommittees will work within the framework <br />of the Sustainability Strategic Plan to develop projects and <br />programs. <br />1.Ecosystems and Habitat <br />2.Water and Stormwater <br />3.Air Quality and Transportation <br />4.Waste and Resource Conservation <br />5.Land Use, Open Space and Parks <br />6.Energy <br />7.Green Buildings <br />IV.Meetings, Agendas, Meeting Minutes: <br />A.The Green Practices Commission shall meet once a month at a <br />place and time agreed upon by a majority of the Commission. <br />B.Agendas will be published on the University City website one week <br />priorto each meeting. <br />C.Meeting minuteswill be published on the UniversityCity website no <br />later than one week prior to the next meeting. <br />D.Special meetings of the Commission shall be called upon the <br />request of the Chairperson or one-third of the Commission. Notices <br />of special meetings shall be sentout by the Secretary toeach <br />Commission member, datedone weekin advance. <br /> <br />