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2. Council liaison reports on Boards and Commissions <br />3. Boards, Commissions and Task Force minutes <br />4. Other Discussions/Business <br />Mr. Kraft said they needed to address some ICMA issues. He said that it is the <br />responsibility of the Council to make sure that the City Manager is able to do his job. Mr. <br />Kraft said that ICMA has made allegations against the City Manager which he first <br />became aware of on February 13, 2012. He said the Council should review the ICMA <br />allegations, decide if they have any substance or merit or are interfering with the City <br />Manager’s job performance, and lastly communicate Council’s decision to the public <br />immediately after the meeting. Mr. Kraft said that this is a personnel matter and should be <br />discussed in a closed session, but the decision would be made public shortly thereafter. <br /> <br />Mr. Price said that he was not present at the last Executive Session meeting and asked if <br />any other members of Council knew about the allegations and did not share the <br />information, they it were in violation of Council Rules. He said that the Mayor had no <br />more executive power than him. Mr. Price said that it is a conflict of interest if the City <br />Attorney provided an opinion when he reports to the City Manager, for who the allegations <br />are against. He said that the City Attorney is not an employee of the City, but an <br />employee of the City Manager. Mr. Price said he did not understand how the Council <br />could take a ruling from a subordinate of a person who was in conflict. Mr. Price said the <br />State Auditor said the City’s contract was too generous in the separation agreement and if <br />the contract was to be changed this is what needed to be changed. <br /> <br />Mr. Price made a motion to rescind the vote for a new contract for the City Manager. The <br />Mayor said that it is a legal matter and the appropriate place to make that motion was in <br />Executive Session. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow reiterated what Mr. Price said about rescinding the motion approving a new City <br />Manager’s contract. He said that there were many concerned people and he does not <br />understand why it cannot be done during the public session. Mr. Crow seconded the <br />motion to rescind the vote for a new City Manager’s contract. The Mayor said that the <br />motion was inappropriate. Ms. Ricci said that this was a personnel matter and should be <br />done during Executive Session and then they could reconvene to an Regular open <br />session to announce the decision made in the closed session. Mr. Crow said that the <br />Executive Session was posted for legal not personnel. Mr. Kraft said for the record, he <br />voted against the new contract but did not recall ever voting on a City Manager’s contract <br />in a public, as the previous City Manager’s contract was done during an Executive <br />Session. <br /> <br />Mr. Kraft moved to postpone Mr. Price’s motion until Executive Session, and was <br />seconded by Ms. Ricci. Mr. Price said he was unclear about what Mr. Crow said <br />regarding the Executive Session that was posted as legal and not personnel and asked <br />how they are to convene to take the action that was put forth. The Mayor said that is was <br />posted for legal as it relates to the contract for employment of Mr. Lehman Walker. Mr. <br />Glickert asked if the City Attorney could speak to Mr. Price’s issue. <br /> <br />City Attorney Paul Martin said in regard to the posting of the agenda, the Council could <br />choose to expand the motion to go in to a closed session that would include personnel. <br />He said that the Council is not bound to what is on the agenda, as it is a tentative agenda <br />and the Council may certainly expand the motion to go into closed session for Legal <br />610.021 (1) and Personnel 610.021 (3)(13). He said that it was a good idea to discuss it <br />in a closed session but they could do what they would like to do. Attorney Martin <br />4 <br /> <br />