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<br />UNIVERSITY CITYCOUNCIL <br />STUDY SESSION <br />5th floor of City Hall <br />6801 Delmar <br />April 23, 2012 <br /> <br /> <br />th <br />The Council Study Session was held in the Chambers, 5 floor of City Hall on April 23, 2012. <br />Mayor Welsch called the Study Session to order at 5:35 p.m. In addition to the Mayor Shelley <br />Welsch, the following members of the Council were present: <br /> <br />Ms. Lynn Ricci <br />Mr. Arthur Sharpe, Jr. <br />Mr. Byron Price <br />Mr. Michael Glickert <br />Mr. Stephen Kraft <br />Mr. Terry Crow <br /> <br />The Study session first covered the Mayor appointed Senior/Youth Task Force. Their charge <br />was to determine the assets that exist in University City and in the surrounding community; to <br />determine the needs and desires that are not being met or fulfilled of each group; and to <br />develop a list of recommendations for the City Council to consider. Facts found were Seniors <br />composed 13.2 percent of U City of University City’s population and Youth compose 9.92 <br />percent of the population of which the Task Force’s surveys were targeted for. <br /> <br />The recommendations for Youth were: <br /> <br /> Develop a separate commission to oversee Youth issues and the development of <br />initiatives in conjunction with parents, school district and City of University City. <br /> <br /> Create a Task Force on gang prevention as survey showed 60.1 percent said there are <br />gang turfs in U City. <br /> <br /> Recommends that parents, School District and City address the problem of dropouts as <br />63 percent interviewed said they knew a dropout. <br /> <br /> Create “Move U City Move Campaign” to encourage regular exercise as only 27.1 <br />percent of youth said they exercise regularly. <br /> <br /> Create Community Gardens. <br /> <br /> Work with health-care providers to reduce teen pregnancy rates as surveys showed a <br />62.2 percent agreed that teens are becoming pregnant a lot. <br /> <br /> Create a youth anti-smoking community as 68.9 percent said a lot of teens smoked. <br /> <br /> Create a community-wide anti-drug campaign as 60.3 percent say teens are using <br />drugs. <br /> <br /> Organize a City-based youth program to provide handyman work for seniors. <br /> <br /> Develop a website of youth-provider services. <br /> <br /> Work with Regional Arts Commission for youth involvement <br /> <br />The recommendations for seniors were: <br /> <br /> Develop a separate commission to oversee senior issues and their development of <br />initiatives. <br /> <br /> Explore the hiring a full/part-time staff to serve as the senior resource liaison. <br /> <br /> Develop a multi-tiered approach toward educating seniors on available resources and <br />how to access them. <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />