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there was a projected General Fund deficit of almost 2 million dollars. He said since then, <br />an unnecessary layer of management has been removed. The 2011 budget has been <br />balanced with no tax increases and no service cuts. Mr. Kraft said new skills have been <br />brought to the work force which included two professional engineers. The budget process <br />has improved with more input and a better final document. He said if Council’s major <br />achievement was passing a balanced budget, the second major achievement was doing a <br />real audit with Council’s hiring and oversight. <br /> <br />M. UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br />BILLS <br /> <br />N. NEW BUSINESS <br />RESOLUTIONS <br /> <br />BILLS <br />Introduced by Mr. Price <br />1. BILL 9156 – An Ordinance amending Chapter 10.36 of the University City Municipal Code <br />th <br />by adding certain All-Stop intersections (Milan Avenue at 78 Street and Erith Place at <br />Milan Avenue) to section 10.36.090. Stop Intersections – vehicles to stop at certain <br />intersections, as provided herein. <br /> <br />O. CITIZEN PARTICIPATION (continued if needed) <br /> Gloria Nickerson, 7576 Blackberry <br /> Ms. Nickerson said she wanted to let Council know of her disenchantment with the City’s <br />removal of political signs at the polling places. She said that throughout all of their elections, <br />signs were posted at 975 Pennsylvania. Ms. Nickerson said she understood what prohibited <br />signs in Ordinance 34-10-104.1 meant. She asked what the Council would be doing about it. <br /> <br />Mr. Walker said that he accepted full responsibility for what happened on Election Day. He <br />said that the staff person was doing his job and the Ordinance is very clear, political signs are <br />not permitted on City property. He said what was different this year as oppose to previous <br />years, because for the first time, a complaint was received and staff acted in accordance with <br />the City’s Ordinance. Mr. Walker said he has spoken to the City Attorney and instructed him <br />to amend or create a new ordinance to remedy this. <br /> <br />P. COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> Mr. Sharpe said that he is looking for a good eating place on Olive. He would like for a <br />developer to come and put a suitable eating establishment on Olive. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert said that he would follow Mr. Sharpe by being next in line at that restaurant. Mr. <br />Glickert also said that he has had the pleasure of working with Councilmember Lynn Ricci in <br />Ward 2 for about six years. He wished to publicly acknowledge the efforts that Ms. Ricci has <br />put forth during her tenure. Mr. Glickert agreed with the previous comments made earlier <br />about Ms. Ricci and added that she is very well prepared, a hard-worker and always available. <br />He said that she was available to Council, the City, all Ward 2, all citizens, as well as him and <br />he thanked her for her services. Mr. Glickert said that he did not receive any phone calls or <br />emails in regards to the removal of political signs on Election Day and he lives in Ward 2 <br />where it happened. He felt that it did not affect people having the right or access to vote but <br />he echoed the City Manager in working on that. Mr. Glickert also said that he was in the Loop <br />on the night of incident and said it was a disaster and two weeks prior he had asked the City <br />Manager if they were ready. He believed that it may happen again and U City should be <br />5 <br /> <br />