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Councilmembers will be at either the Regular Council meeting on April 23 or at a Council <br />meeting scheduled to discuss long range strategic planning on April 26. The Mayor said that <br />she will comment on Ms. Ricci’s performance and presence at the next Council meeting. <br />st <br />Mayor Welsch said April 21 would be the first of seven outdoor movies scheduled this year. <br />The theme this year is Coming of Age in U City which was selected by a volunteer group of <br />residence who are movie goers. She said there will be movies in various parks around the <br />City from April – October. The first movie will be American Graffiti in Heman Park at 8:00 p.m. <br />The PTO from either Brittany Woods or Barbara C. Jordan Schools will be selling concessions. <br />There are six other movies and if she could be called if anyone was interested in the titles. <br />She said they are still looking for volunteers for Fair U City 2012. Mayor Welsch said the <br />volunteer group of residents that came up with choosing the entertainment have come up with <br />a very fine program. She is continuing to work on the Regional Initiative on Youth. The first <br />lecture series will be in May at U City High School. The U City Notes concert will be held on <br />st <br />October 21 at the City of Lights Christian Church at far NW U City and there are two <br />residents of U City that are organizing this. <br /> <br /> Mayor Welsch entertained a motion for Executive Session RSMO 610.021 (3) (13) Personnel <br />“Hiring, firing, disciplining or promoting of particular employees by a public governmental body <br />when personal information about the employee is discussed or recorded.” “Individually <br />identifiable personnel records, performance ratings or records pertaining to employees” <br /> <br /> Ms. Ricci moved and was seconded by Mr. Glickert. Mr. Kraft said that he does not believe <br />there should be a closed session to pass around evaluations and then leave. Mr. Price <br />agreed. The Mayor said that she is still waiting on two members of Council to provide her with <br />the evaluation. Mr. Glickert agreed not to have a meeting, as well. Ms. Ricci asked who the <br />deficient Councilmembers were. The Mayor said Mr. Kraft and Mr. Price. <br /> <br /> Roll Call vote was: <br /> Ayes: Ms. Ricci <br /> Nays: Mr. Price, Mr. Kraft, Mr. Glickert, Mr. Sharpe and Mayor Welsch <br /> <br />Q. ADJOURNMENT <br />Mayor Welsch adjourned the meeting at 8:04 p.m. <br /> <br />Joyce Pumm, MRCC <br />City Clerk <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />7 <br />