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Sessio~ 1646, N/nlfces Page 6 <br />July 10, 1995 <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8247 - APPROVING g~E PIANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF PARKVIEW GARDENS I <br />FOR CERPAIN P~DPERrY IN THE PARKVIEW GAREENS Rf~ABI~ON AREA; FINDING <br />SAID PIANS TO ~E IN (I~LIANC~ WITH C~R%PTER 353 R.S.NO. 1986 AND THE REDEVEL- <br />OPMENT PIAN FOR THE PARKVIEW ~ REHABILITATI(IN AREA; AUTHORIZING A GRANT <br />OF TAX ~; ~ZING THE CITY MANANGER TO EXEfIrfE ~T,~, ~ N~C- <br />ESSARY TO IM~~ THIS ORDINANCE; AND G0~EA/IFiNG A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. <br />A bill was intro~ed by Councilmember Schocm~_r, entitled: <br /> <br />"AN ORDINANCE ~ THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS OF PARKVIEW GARDENS I <br />FOR CEEEAIN I~DPERTY IN THE PARKVIEW GARDENS REHABILITATION AREA; FINDING <br />SAID PIANS TO ~E IN (32~4PLIANCE WITH (~{APTER 353 R.S.NO. 1986, AS AMENDED, AND <br /> <br />EST UNE~R (~{~10TER 353 R.S.MO. 1986, AS AMENDED, AND IS IN THE INTERESTS OF <br />THE I~q~LIC HEkI/~, SAFETY, ~DRALS AND GENERAL W~ARE OF THE PEOPLE OF THE <br />CITY OF ~ITY CITY; ~ZING A GRANT OF TAX ~; ~RIZING <br />THE ~ ~ TO EX]~2UTE ~ ~ AT,T, ~ ~Y TO ~THIS <br />ORDINANCE; AND (ENEA/IF/~G A SEVERABILITY CIAUSE." <br /> <br />The bill was assigned No. 8247 and given its first reading. <br /> <br />Mr. Corey Shapiro, W~-~irgton University representative to the City Council, <br />said newly appointed chancellor Mark Wrighton had just arrived on campus, and <br />student groups hoped to meet with him soon. Mr. Shapiro said he was pleased <br />about purc~a_~e of the recycling bins. Mayor Majerus said the pilot program <br />will start in September, and full recycling should be in effect by January 1. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus said councilmembers wishing to attend the annual Missouri Muni- <br />cipal League conference in Kansas City in September should contact the City <br />Clerk so she may make reservations and send in registrations. <br /> <br />C!TIZ~ CCMMENTS <br /> <br />Ms. Phyllis Harem, 1441 Coolidge, said her next door neighbors wer~ letting <br />their trees and bushes overhang her property and the electric and telephone <br />wires going into her b~e, which was very dangerous. Mayor Majerus said <br />scmeone f~-c~ the City will make an ir~ion. <br /> <br />An~OURNMRNT <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus adjourned the meeting at 8:06 p.m. <br /> <br />Dolores A. Miller <br /> City Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />