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Session 1641, Minutes Page 4 <br />May 15, 1995 <br /> <br />723.04 Printin~ should be $19,240 instead of $13,240; the increase for 1995- <br />96 is due to rising paper costs and ~sing color in next year's calendar. <br />Mrs. Schuman felt the Public Relations D~ was doirg ew~ellent work. <br /> <br />2010 Police De~rtment (page C-28). Mr. Oller~_orff said next year there will <br />be c~e less captrain but four more officers (two funded by a COPS grant). Mr. <br />Wagner expressed concern that the federal government my withdraw this grant, <br />and Mr. Ollendc~£f said if that happens he hopes the City can keep the offi- <br />cers. He said a police officer ha.~ been assigned fulltime to special ordi- <br />nance enforpmma~t duties, one of which is to help housing inspectors monitor <br />ovez=xowd/rg. He noted that crossing guards are included at the full cost of <br />$34,000 since the School District says it cannot afford to pay. It was sug- <br />gested that the School District be asked to share the cost anyway; if it can- <br />not, the City will pay. He said $5,000 in this budget is related to depart- <br />ment certification, which should be cc~pleted this fall. Mr. Adams asked <br />about using bicycles, and it was decided to discuss that at a study meeting. <br /> <br />.2020 Fire De~t (page C-33). Mr. Ollendorff said a paramedic position <br />was restored ar~ the Department is now at full strength. He called attention <br />to 749.98 (page C-36) which is the r~w fire truck ($280,000). He noted sc{ne <br />personnel dmanges (page C-36)--th~ Fire Marshall is now Chief Prevention and <br />Safety Officer, there are currently six Paramedic Fire Captains, 3 Fire Cap- <br />tains, 25 Paramedic Firefighters, and 8 Firefighters. <br /> <br />3900 Grant Fund~ (page C-79). Mr. Ollendorff said the $6,000 shown is part <br />of the police budget but must be kept separate. It pays part of one police <br />salary in an undercover drug te~__m working in the St. Louis area; but little <br />of their time has been spent in University City, and it may not be continued. <br /> <br />6000 Sundr~ and Contingencies (Daqe C-81). Mr. Ollendorff said 729.60 Con- <br />tingent Appropriation is larger than usual due to the local use tax, but he <br />was reluctant to allocate all of it since it is not totally certain it will <br />not have to be re~. ~ said 729.63 Transfer Appropriation--Building is <br />also larger, an~ will fund some of the capital items Ms. T£~ly discussed <br />earlier. The amount for 729.64 Transfer Appropriation--Fire Truck is the <br />yearly amount allocated, and it will take about five years to accumulate <br />enough to pay for a new ambulance and fire truck. <br /> <br />There were no questions or c~m¥~nts on any of the other individual budgets. <br /> <br />There was general consensus that Council would approve a two cent increase in <br />the Library tax rate, as requested. The Mayor asked {ka/ncil to think about <br />the Oontingency fund, as she felt the reserve should be a little larger. <br /> <br />An~0URNM~Ff <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus adjourned the meeting at 8:53 p.m. <br /> <br />Dolores A. Miller, City Clerk <br /> <br /> <br />