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SESSION 1639 <br /> <br />MINUTES OFTHEUNIVERSITYCITYOOUNCIL <br /> <br /> April 24, 1995 <br /> <br />At a regular meeting of the City Council of University City held in the Coun- <br />cil chamber of City Hall o~ Monday, April 24, 1995, Mayor Janet Majerus pre- <br />sided and called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. In addition to the Mayor, <br />the follc~in~ members of the Oouncil w~re present: <br /> <br />Abeent: Councilmember Joseph L. Adams, Jr., who was excused. <br /> <br />Also present was City Manager Frank Oller~_orff. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner noted that on page 4 of the April 10, 1995 minutes, Mrs. Schuman's <br />motion to approve a site plan at 6600 Delmar with a 10 foot deck should have <br />included all c~Dd~tions. Mrs. Schuman agreed. Mayor Majerus said on page 5 <br />(Proclamation), the time given for the ceremony cc~m~morating Head Start Week <br />should be 10 a.m. instead of 10:30 a.m. Mr. Wagner moved adoption with those <br />changes. Mr. Schoomer seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Tb~ <br />City Clerk said the minutes will be oorrected before distribution. <br /> <br />Mr. Michael Robman, outgoing Washington University student representative to <br />the Council, said election of a new representative was inadvertently left off <br />the ballot; however, Ms. Jennifer Garrett has volunteered to serve in the in- <br />terim until a decision is made on how to rectify this situation. Ms. Garrett <br />is a junior in the engineering school and has been active in student govern- <br />ment. Mr. Rodman said Thurtene Carnival w~s held successfully last weekend <br />in spite of rain. He invit_~d_ all to his graduation. MS. Garrett said she <br />was pleased to serve and hoped she could remain through the school year. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus asked the City Clerk to proceed with the canvass of the April 4 <br />1995 general municipal election. The City Clerk said in accor~anoe with Ar- <br />ticle IX, Section 71 of the City Charter, notification was received frc~ the <br />St. Loui~ County Board of Election C~.issioners that showed tb~ results of <br />election held on Tuesday, April 4, 1994, to be as follows: <br /> <br />VOTES CAST D~CIARED <br />YES NO CARRIED DEFEATED <br /> <br />P~OPOSITIONR 2,703 1,654 X <br /> <br /> <br />