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<br />- context of the <br />neighborhood. There was shrubbery shown on the plans. Are there any other <br />landscape plans? Applicant: A landscape plan has not been fully completed at <br />this time, but would be open to any comments or suggestions. <br />- Were dormers considered? Applicant: Yes, but felt they did not fit in the layout of <br />this house. <br />- Will you be saving the existing trees? Applicant: Yes, intend to keep all trees. <br />- What types of windows are proposed for the front of the house? Applicant: A <br />black clad, high-efficiency window. <br />- Regarding the brick samples provided, other houses on this street have a <br />monolithic brick color. Would you propose to match the brick? Applicant: The <br />sample was from another house built in University City to show the brick type <br />rather than the color. The intent is to fit it with the rest of the neighborhood. It <br />was just a sample. We are open to suggestions. <br /> <br />Vice-Chairperson Davison stated it should be noted that a more monolithic color brick <br />was suggested. <br /> <br />A motion was made by Mr. Myers to recommend approval of the proposed dwelling. <br />The motion was seconded by Ms. Davison. The motion carried unanimously. <br /> <br /> <br />3. Loop Trolley Review of Conditional Use Permit application for proposed Loop <br />Trolley in the Delmar Boulevard right-of-way from approximately Sgt. Mike King Drive to <br />the eastern City limits. <br /> <br />Mr. Greatens provided background information, pictures and maps. He stated that the <br />review was strictly pertaining to the trolley line, not the roundabout as in previous <br />reviews. <br /> <br />Mr. Greatens explained background information about the Conditional Use Permit <br />application. He stated that CUP applications are required for uses that may be <br />problematic for various reasons, such as traffic generation, detrimental impact on the <br />surrounding area, etc. but can be approved if specific review criteria are met to ensure <br />any impacts are mitigated. He stated the application would be brought before the Plan <br />Commission, at which time a public hearing would be held, and then go to City Council <br />for final decision. He stated that HPC review was required because of the portion within <br />the Civic Plaza Historic District. He stated there were specific review criteria in the <br />Zoning Code that the applicant must establish have been met. One of the review <br />criteria are that the proposed use would not be detrimental to historic landmarks or <br />districts, and if there was potential for adverse impact, measures had been taken to <br />eliminate or mitigate the impact. Mr. Greatens added that for this case, the <br />ch they made a <br />recommendation to staff, but they were to make a recommendation to the Plan <br />Commission. They had the option to state their recommendation at the public hearing, <br />but, it would also be included in the staff review and forwarded to the Plan Commission <br />from staff. <br /> <br />Mr. Greatens showed slides with the drawings for the proposed trolley project. <br />26 <br />Page of <br /> <br /> <br />