Session 1630, M/nutes Page 2
<br />Nove~ 7, 1994
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<br />O
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<br />$9,109. ~ State Cc~%eervatic~ ~, throuc3~ its SBA grunt, will reim-
<br />burBe the City for $9,107.
<br />
<br />Intem3mn S~ (#2]. PLupoeals for two m~bile radio intercom systsms for
<br />Fire De~ v~cles #2610 and #2630 were received as follows:
<br />
<br />Omla-Tel, Inc.
<br />W. S. Barley
<br />FireCom
<br />
<br />$5,056.00
<br /> 5,040.00
<br /> 4,296.00
<br />
<br />FireCce could not provide a]] the equ/l~nt requirements s~ecified, and in-
<br />stallation charges were not included in the FireCce or Darley p~uposals. It
<br />was reckamended that the award go to Qmla-Tel, Inc. for its bid of $5,056.
<br />
<br />Liuuor License - 560 Trinity (#3). ~he St. Louie Sy~/~xmy efcbestra applied
<br />for picnic liquor licenses for events scbe~hlled at C~SA on November 13, 20,
<br />22, and ~ 2, 9, 10, 1994. All City ordinanoe and Council policy re-
<br />quirements have been met, and this type lioense has been approved many times
<br />in the past for this group.
<br />
<br />Pavement Cracksealer Unit f#4). Invitations to bid on a pavement cracksealer
<br />unit were sent to eight vendors, with the following results:
<br />
<br />$14,846
<br /> 6,748
<br /> 6,600
<br /> 6,480
<br />
<br />It was rG~CX, M, LILLIBX]d, ed that the pu~d~lse be awarded to Ommidngs, McGowan & West
<br />for its lowbid of $6,480. Budgeted amountwas $7,000.
<br />
<br />72" Out Front Mower (#5). Bids for providing a 72" out front mower for the
<br />golf coursewerereceivedas follows:
<br />
<br />Beckrearm Turf & Irrigation
<br />
<br />Outdoor Equipment
<br />Brinker Tractor
<br />
<br />$17,200
<br />16,078
<br />15,447
<br />14,826
<br />14,799
<br />
<br />The three low bids did not meet minimum specificaticr~ (horsepower, gallon
<br />capacity, size requi~Lents). It was rec~mLended that the award go to Win-
<br />ning Equi[ment for its bid of $16,078. Budget~ amount was $15,000.
<br />
<br />Mr. }a~s moved approval of the Consent Calera~. Mr. Sc~oceer seconded the
<br />motion, which carried unanimously.
<br />
<br />Mr. Michael Rodman, Washington University student representative, said coun-
<br />ciM were invited to attend a forum at Simon Hall, Roan 104, at 7 p.m.
<br />Thursday, Nove%ber 10, to discuss possible solutions omcerning recent crimes
<br />
<br />
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