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Sessic~ 1630, ~ Page 3 <br />November 7, 1994 <br /> <br />O <br /> <br />against sb~_~ts. He hoped all ccum'~cilm~ would artera as well as others <br />interes~a in t_his matter. <br /> <br />~ ~ - TIVOLI BLrr~nlNG <br /> <br />Tba City Manager said the University City Tand Cleararace for l~edevalcla~ant <br />Authority (IE~A) reo-!m~nds that pi-uI~_rty tax for the Tivoli building be fro- <br />zen for five years at its assessed value as of Jamm~y, 1994, followed by 20% <br />inc~--,~nts for five years to 100% of the new value. He re~:.,.,~nl~a approval <br />since the p~posal is in keep~ing with policies followed by the City Council <br /> <br />be no ~t~m~nt of the special business di-~crict p3rtic~ of the p~-c~erty tax. <br />All incentives authorized by the ~ are ccraitic~ed on the developer carry- <br /> <br />toward the residential portion of the project. Should other residential sub- <br />sidies be obtained or the deve/~-~nt plan not be followed, the p~uperty tax <br />incentive would be ~i.~33ntinued. The next step is to set a public hearing. <br /> <br />Mr. ~a~ms moved that a public hearing be set on November 21, 1994, 7:30 p.m., <br />in the Council chamber. Mrs. Tn,:,,~ean seconded the motion and all voted Aye. <br /> <br />I~RI,TC HEARING - BUS PARKING IN FjRIIC ~Erivrr~ ZC~ING DISTRICT <br /> <br />The City Manager said a public hearing was set for this time and place to <br />hear c~Lkents on a Zoning Code amendment that would allow the parking and <br />storage of buses by churuhas, private or public schools, city facilities and <br />other properties, in the Public ~Etivity Zoning District, with limitations as <br />to size, scope and safety. Following the public hearing, be reoaLmended that <br />Council proceed with introduction of appk~uriats bills. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus opened the public hearing at 7:42 p.m. <br /> <br />Dr. Jerrold Iander, 7838 Gar~o~, said construction of the new ~arly learning <br />center will require the School District to move its bus parking lot to a dif- <br />ferent location in the District. He favored the pi-oposed location at Brit- <br />tany School because the District's presentation to the Park Cu~dssion made <br />it clear this was the most suitable sits that could be found, i.e., it is not <br />in a residential area, will not infrir~e heavily on traffic patterns, or in- <br />terfere with golf operations. He urged Council to approve this change. <br /> <br />There were no other requests to speak and the hearing was closed at 7:46 p.m. <br /> <br />(:X::N)rrlONAL USE E - 7740 OLIVE <br /> <br />The City Manager said be ~ with the Plan O-,.,,i~ion rela,.,~ndation to <br />not w~ive landscaping requi~ents for the Higher Hei~ts Chu~d~ parking lot, <br />although they a~a~ a slightly .~m]ler area would be acc~hle. The change <br />would rec~J~e removal of rock and pavexent f~um a six foot wide, 97 foot long <br />strip so the City may plant ~ for the applicant. He said the applicant <br />re~aests that this provision be daleted. ~he Oamassion also rec~,.L,,.LerK~ ex- <br />tending tba time for improving the area occupied by Riegert Avenue to May 31, <br />1995, with the nature of the work dependent on whether Riegert is vacated. <br /> <br /> <br />
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