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S~:ic~ 1613, Minu~ Page 3 <br />April 4, 1994 <br /> <br />O <br /> <br />ning for his review and ap~. Iandscaping shall be installed and <br />ma~n~R~ned in a~ with the a~ plan. <br />In ~ti~l to the landscapir~ anpic~a in the site plan suk~it~ for <br />this permit, there shall be 18" Evergreem (Yews) spaced no less than 4' <br />apart along the full length of the south side of the new self-storage <br />building. <br /> <br />Mr. Ollendorff said flooding was a ccerern because of the site's proximity to <br />River Des Peres, however, the a~31icant's engiDee~r ~m~ml~ that flood plan <br /> <br />ed four feet apart were too cloee, and six or eight feet were better. Mr. <br />Schocmer moved approval with the caveat that the City Fo~er be cc~sult~ <br />about the yews, and if she aa~es to the request, the applicant my return <br />for an anmrr~ent without prejudice. Mr. Wagner securaed. <br /> <br />Director of Planning A1 Go]damn Was asked to o~nt, and he agreed the yews <br />should be plant~J__ further apart than four feet. <br /> <br />All vo~a Aye. <br /> <br />The Personnel report for the week ending April 2, 1994, was received and or- <br />a~ed filed. <br /> <br />Ms. Lottye Wheeler, 6750 (bamberlain, asked that ~ be done about the <br />unkempt wildflower area at the corner of Kingsland and Olive. She said the <br />plants looked like ~--__~]s, the lot was filled with trash, and neighbors felt <br />there was danger to childre1 since the plants are ~11 and there are broken <br />bottles c~ the site. Mrs. ~h~sc~ said the administratic~ is working on the <br /> <br />Wagner, Ms. M~eeler said the erlire neighborhood wants this problem solved. <br /> <br />fall asking that the plantings be k--.-~ved. She said the wildflower area does <br />not belong in a residential neighborhood but in a forest or near a highway. <br /> <br />Ms. Elsie Glickert, 6712 Etzel, also ~bjected to the wildflower planting. <br />She said a s~m~ lar bed in He~an Park looked fine since it was surrouraed by <br />acreage, but the Olive and Kirr3sland lot just looked ~y and was too small. <br />She ~-~tributed ~h~ae of the lot at various stages and asked that senething <br /> <br />BILL Fe~ Ta~RD BPADTNG <br /> <br />O Mayor Maj erus said ag~rd~ has been reac~ between the Historic Preserva- <br /> tion C~assion and Catholic ~harities (owrer of Salo~u~ House) eel changes <br /> <br /> <br />