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Session 1612, Minutes Page 4 <br />March 21, 1994 <br /> <br />getting zoning laws changed to allow for shared housing. She supported ex- <br />panding the definition of family and the occupancy code with regard to who <br />may live tagether in a single housekeeping unit, adding that many could bene- <br />fit fL~. shared living, such as older adults on limi~a incumes. She felt <br /> <br />t rity of the City's mck be je mMized by dmnging <br />density requirements. Sba suggested that Council appoint an ad hoc c~,u~dttee <br />to study the definitions read earlier rather than adopt the Plan Cu~u:dssion <br />rec~u:endatic~s. <br /> <br />Ms. Zuleyma Tang-Martlnez, 7500 Tre~tcel, falt both cu~L~nt and pLuposed occu- <br />pancy requi~aents and definiticels of family were outrageous and an infringe- <br />ment an privacy. She agr~ there should be occuimncy limits based on space <br />available but felt there were ~istencies, because a family of eight and <br />two others could live in a large house, but not four uDrelated people. She <br />said tha definition she circulated to Council would prevent both overcrowding <br />and educational larceny. <br /> <br />Ms. Arlene Zak-eLaDka, 7500 Trent~m, wished to a~_a~_ census data to the testimony <br />she gave last fall when ~uup homes were a{-~ssed. She said ~ing num- <br />bers of families are headed by single pareits (fk~ 9% to 25% in 30 years), <br />and there are many d~-=abled and elderly wb~ ~ assistance in everyday acti- <br />vities as well as help with ea~P~ses. Since wcmen head 87% of single fami- <br />lies, a great n^~ exists for those less well off to share living expenses. <br />She also noted the populatian of University City has decreased over the last <br />20 y~s, so she did not feel ove~u~uwding is a problem. <br /> <br />Esther Zuckerman, 7158 Cambridge, said the Plan (h~mission's p=upoeed changes <br />are an i~provement over current law, but she was concerned about the implicit <br />limitations. Sb~ said the elderly often need I~ysical or financial balp, and <br /> <br />change the definitions and allow any tam,her of people to live together, tak- <br />ing into account space l~m~tations. <br /> <br />Mayor Majerus closed the public hearing at 8:16 p.m. <br /> <br />SI'I'M PIAN - RED SEA RESTAURANT, 6511 DEIMAR <br /> <br />Tne City Manager reojn~ended approval of a p~uposed site plan to ~del the <br />existing basement of the Red Sea, an~ng 1200 s~m~e feet for restaurant and <br />bar use. The renovations should eliminate neighbors' cc~ulaints about loud <br />music. Previous conditions ccrfcinue to apply. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocmer suggested that P~d Sea's neighbors will rejoice at this solution <br />and Mrs. Tn~son ~. All voted Aye. <br /> <br />Fm~mm~EL RE~OR~ <br /> <br />The Personnel report for the week ending March 19, 1994, was received and or- <br />dered filed. <br /> <br /> <br />