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A Special Session of the City Council of University City held in City Hall, fifth floor, <br />November 4, 2013. Mayor Shelley Welsch reconvened the Special Session meeting to <br />order at 6:55 p.m. In addition to Mayor Welsch the following members of Council were <br />present: <br /> <br />Mr. Stephen Kraft <br />Mr. Arthur Sharpe, Jr. <br />Mr. Michael Glickert <br />Ms. Paulette Carr <br />Mr. Terry Crow <br />Mr. Byron Price <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch distributed goals for 2013-2014 for the City Manager and the City Clerk. <br />The goals listed were a compilation of all goals previously submitted by the Mayor and <br />Councilmembers. Mayor Welsch explained the City Manager’s goals presented fell <br />under specific categories: Fiscal Management, Economic Development, Customer <br />Service, Community Outreach/Communications, Capital Improvement Plan, Public <br />Safety and Administrative. She said that individual comments and group comments, <br />with the same subject, where noted by a color code which appeared on the front page. <br />Mayor Welsch said the City Manager’s goals fell into specific categories better than the <br />City Clerk’s so she would start with reviewing the City Manager’s goals. <br /> <br />FISCAL MANAGEMENT was the first discussed. Following is the consensus of goals to <br />be used: <br /> <br /> Submit a balanced budget that maximizes City services. <br /> <br /> Continue refining the organizational structure of the City departments to ensure <br />efficient and effective services to residents. <br /> <br /> Combine, “Show continue improvement in the development of financial <br />documentation, with the goal of creating an easily understandable budget <br />document and supporting financial documents” with “Develop a quarterly <br />budgetary analysis that is easily comprehensible to Council and public” <br /> <br /> Assess and refine parameters of budget authorization from initial submission of <br />proposal to Council authorization of City Manager to sign the contract. Ms. Carr <br />was asked to provide more description at the next meeting.\ <br /> <br /> Combine, “Start the process to reconfigure current employee pension plans for <br />long term financial stability. Present possible changes that include changing to a <br />defined contribution plan for new and recent hires” with “Provide information on <br />how to reconfigure current employee pension plans, if recommended, including <br />an analysis of long-term pension costs”. It was suggested to change Start to <br />Continue. <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT was the next area discussed. Following is the <br />consensus of goals to be used. <br /> <br /> Formalize a plan for economic development, separate from the Comprehensive <br />Plan targeting three areas of the City. This plan should include progress towards <br />measurable goals (e.g. job creation, attraction of new residents, increase in sales <br />taxes, etc.) in the next five years. <br /> <br /> Implement a process for regular solicitation of resident feedback on economic <br />development process in University City. <br /> <br /> 2 <br /> <br />