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Meeting Minutes –University CityGreen Practices Committee <br />February 13, 2014-Page 2 <br />the plants from being built. The campaign is now focused on replacing coal with renewable <br />energy options. Sara would like cities to pass a resolution to support the campabe <br />presenting the Beyond Coal Campaign to other cities. <br />c.GPC members agree with the campaign efforts in varying degrees and would like the campaign <br />message to be transparent, clear and complete. <br />d.The topic will be added to the April meeting agenda under Old BGPC member <br />comments will be sent to Sara. <br />e.Public comments: Leesa Johnson requested to present information to the Commission next <br />month about the Green Ambassadorship program. <br /> <br />5.New Business <br />a.University City Chamber of Commerce Introduction and Membership  Lois Sechrist <br />(1) Lois met with Matt Beaver, President of the University City Chamber oThe <br />Chamber gave GPC a free membership to the Chamber and added the Commission to their <br />mailing list. <br />b.Prescription and Illegal Drug Disposal Program in University Cit <br />(1) Lynnette reported that the sign up information was sent to the Phe April <br />26, 2014, collection event will be posted on the U City website and social media page <br /> <br />6.Old Business <br />a.Air Quality/Transportation- Subcommittee Report by Scott Eidson <br />(1)Scott reported that he received comments about the solar permittcomments <br />were sent to Jared for review.Within the next few months, he intends to send a draft of the <br />project to GPC members to review. <br />b.Waste/Resource Conservation  Plastic Bags Ban  Subcommittee Report by Lois Sechrist <br />(1)Lois reported that several cities have banned single use grocery type bags, specifically, <br />communities in California. The material is deemed as low value a <br />stream collection due to the tendency to jam the sorting equipme <br />the bags are returned to the grocery store. <br />(2)She reported that Washington University is working on a voluntary ban on plastic bags from <br />their food service and retail vendors. <br />(3)She would like to consider approaching the larger retailers in U <br />plastic bag ban. <br />c.Green Building  Subcommittee Report by Jeff Mishkin <br />(1)Jeff attended the Green Business Challenge meeting and would lik <br />the 2014 Challenge. He offered his assistance withthe application process. <br />d.Natives and Weed Code  Dianne Benjamin <br />(1)Dianne prepared a draft Weed Code and sent it to GPC members last month for feedback. <br />(2)The existing University City weed code does not distinguish types of plants or offer <br />alternatives. <br />(3)The draft Weed Code is ready for Jared Agee to review and will be sent to him prior to our <br />next meeting. The draft can be discussed with Jared during the April meeting. <br /> <br />