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3/23/2000 6:45:13 PM
Council Meeting
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O <br /> <br />O <br /> <br />Sessic~ 1604, Mj_nutes <br />Oc~ 18, 1993 <br /> <br />Page5 <br /> <br />Mr. Ollendorff said the Police p~-,,~ are for officers e beats in the <br />most ~uw~ areas of the City, as Mrs. ~-.-~a~ has often requested, but the <br />need is not as ~L~at in the Northeast Area as in Parkvie~ Gardens. Sba read <br />a list with suggested changes in allocaticr~; however, Mr. Ollendorff noted <br />that scMB of the funds could ~ot be transferred as she wished because of re- <br /> <br />In response to Fro. Price, Mr. Ollerrk=ff said the City does not fund any of <br />the mariaM program referred to by Mr. Giger. Mr. Price said Parkview <br />Gardens shxalld be p~u~erly maintain, hut it was outrageous that so much <br /> <br />the Nortb~t Area. He a~e~__ there should be ~ funding for the homeless. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sch~an said Mr. Price made it sound as if there w~s a huge discrepancy <br />between the amount spent for policing in Parkview Gardens and the Northeast <br />Area; but the $45,000 pays for extremely labor-intensive policing that is ne- <br />cessary in that area because of po~ulatic~ density. She said there were few <br />neighborhoods that require tbls type of policing b~cause the density is much <br />less, and that Parkview Cxlrdens was getting c~ly the level of service it re- <br />quires to meet its <br /> <br />Mr. Schoe~_r said CDBG funds don't begin to cover tba City's needs but Coun- <br />cil must be corK~_rned with spe~a~ng this small am~ant of money where it is <br /> <br />Mr. Price said be would agree with Mrs. Schuman if $43,000 bed not been allo- <br />ca~a to Parkview Gardens Multi-Family Rehab, making the area tba recipient <br />of 38% of the block ~Lm~t funds. He felt the Nort3~t Area should get more. <br /> <br />Ccunc~ ~ that scee amc~u~t should be r-~]lccated for tba h~meless <br />Discussion followed, but no ccr~_nsus was reached. Mr. Ollendorff said some- <br />thing must be approved tonight, but the allocations my be changed later. <br /> <br />.Mr. ~a~m~ left the meet/ng at this <br /> <br />Mr. Price moved approval of the rec~amuendaticele with the exDeption of chang- <br />ing Parkview Gardens Police to $30,000, Northeast Area Police to $8,531, and <br />allocating $7,000 for humeless r~as. F~B. ~b~ ~ the motion. <br />All voted Nay e~ Mrs. ~hcm~Dson and Mr. Price, ~aho v~_ Aye. ~he motion <br />was defeated four to two. <br /> <br />Mr. ~ moved acce~ of the City Manager's re~-,~,~x~atic~s subject <br />to further debate, and uz~ed that a special meeting be called for this pur- <br />pose. Mr. Wagner seccraed the motion, which carried unanimously. <br /> <br />Mr. Price moved that Council convene at 6:30 p.m. on November 8 prior to the <br />regular Council meeting. Mrs. Sd~man seconded the motic~ and all voted Aye <br />except Mr. Schoceer, who vote_ Nay. ~he motic~ carried five to one. <br /> <br /> <br />
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