<br />
<br />Session1 1604, Fanutes
<br />Oc~r~er 18, 1993
<br />
<br />Page8
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<br />Mr. Schcrm~ c;',~,..-.-nrt,wl the Sanscme ,.j~uup for their diligence in bringing this
<br />satisfactory pLu~eal to the Council. He moved a~proval with all conditions,
<br />
<br />Ccuncilm~-e~IB 'I~-,~,Sel and Wagner expressed ,.jL,~ve m4~givings about tba pos-
<br />sibility of liquor being sold at this store.
<br />
<br />Fie. Joy Lieberman, 7129 Kingsbury, President of the University City Board of
<br />Educati~, said the Board has no cbjectic~ to the p~u~0sal, but the possibil-
<br />ity there might be a liquor licelse causes dee~ ~-~cress because of proximity
<br />
<br />eve c~mec~ to the schools is very m~h opp~eed to a liquor license at
<br />
<br />In response to Mr. Prioe, Mr. Ollendorff said be believed the City could not
<br />add a ccratic~ prohibiting the 9~nting of a future liquor license, however,
<br />he would consult the City Attorney. He said limiting liquor sale hours could
<br />be part of the site plan in case a license is ever ~rfced.
<br />
<br />Mr. Mike Giger, 830 Vanderbilt, said the Executive Cu~attee of the Parkview
<br />Gardens Associatic~ unanimously opposes the ~m~.ing of a liquor license at
<br />this store. He said ccrfcrolling the sale of liquor is increa~hly difficult,
<br />and b_is orujanization finds it very difficult to ~a~e~_l with effectively.
<br />
<br />Mr. Dennis Lutsky, 25 Southmoor, said be owns a ~h-~huuse r~ an existing
<br />business that sells liquor, and be a~played a large bag filled with debris
<br />left by patrc~s of that business which be collected in just c~e day. He
<br />asked Council to do whatever possible to prevent liquor sales at this site.
<br />
<br />Ms. Amy Gill, 6136 We~t~,,{nster, said she and her b,~a~%nd c~n p~uperty c~ Syr-
<br />acuse, but as Skinker-DeBaliviere residents, they have been a~.~yed about
<br />conditions near their local Wal~en's. Exti-~ely disruptive behavior near
<br />the store has been allowed, refuse trucks service the store at 4 a.m., trash
<br />and debris are all over, and it is gene/-ally a poor neighbor. She was con-
<br />cerned the same things would happen at the new store.
<br />
<br />Ms. Fathy Freese, 6669 Kingsbury, co-presiderfc of De]mk3r-Harvard PrO, said
<br />she was the parent of three children %aio arterr] this school. She felt many
<br />
<br />the possible sale of liquor. She noted the area around schools is supposed
<br />to be drug-free, and said children will nece__ive a m~ ~age if liquor
<br />
<br />Mr. Jerry F~czan, 6906 Washir~, said ba called Wal~en's regional manager
<br />wha s~_~-~ed anxious to have ~-,,~,,-lity input. Mr. Koczan felt the ccimLunity,
<br />not the Council, should have the right to make a decisic~ c~ such a crucial
<br />
<br />people; however, Mr. Koczan felt the majority of residents are very concerned
<br />and want Wal~en's to be aware of their f~!ings.
<br />
<br />Mr. Iarry Lieberman, 7129 Kin~, c~amended Mr. Schocmer for his part in
<br />
<br />
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