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O <br /> <br />Session 1600, ~ <br />A~gust 16, 1993 <br /> <br />Page6 <br /> <br />Mrs. Scb, m~n moved that this bill be taken f~ the ~ahle. Mr. Sdxxmer ~ <br />onded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mayor Majerus said several cit- <br />izens wished to o~...~nt. <br /> <br />Mr. Earl (hangar, 7446 Washingh3n, notirg his recent letter to Council, said <br />be was very upeet about the intersection ~r]aressed in this bill. }{e felt it <br />was very dangerous and particularly hard for the elnl~ly who live in the area <br />to cross there. He poir~a out that a rambet of streets with far less traf- <br />fic have been closed off. He also nc~e~__ that barriers between this access <br />road and an adjacent parking lot off Delmar have been removed, creating an- <br />other dangerous situation. He felt this road should be o~letely closed. <br /> <br />Mr. Stanley HalTis, 640 Vassar, suggestea_ that the access road be left open <br />to private traffic, but not to trucks. He a~ed with the previous speaker <br />that u~uesing traffic fL~ the shupping ce~_~r cel Delmar or ~ left fLum <br />[~l~',' to get into the access road is very dangerous; hawever, be felt turn- <br />ing ~t caTto f~_l~'~' fLum the access road was not a prcblen. <br /> <br />Mr. ~a~ms moved to amend Bill No. 8135 by d%anging the effective date to Oc- <br />tober 16, 1993, to give all ccr~erned time to resolve the issues involved. <br />Mr. Schocm~r seccraed the motion. ~ba roll call vote was as follows: AYES: <br /> <br />NAYS: None. ~: Council Wagner. Tna motion carried six to zero. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8135 (as amandad) w~s given its secora rm~alng. <br /> <br />Bill NO. 8135 (as amended) was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mr. ~ moved that this bill be ad~pted as an ordinance. Mrs. ~ <br />seccraed the motion. Upon roll call, the following vobe was recorded: AYES: <br />Councilmenhers ~a~, Schuman, Sdloceer, ~.a~ecn, Price, and Mayor Majerus. <br />NAYS: None. ABSENT: Ccunci]ammnber Wagner. Bill No. 8135 (as ~m~nded) be- <br />came Ordialance No. 5923. <br /> <br />BILL N0. 8136 - kM]~]DING C~IAFI~ 25 I~3NICIPAL (]OI]~ RRrATING TO R~I'IF~ AND <br />P~SIONS BY REFEAT.I'NG SECrmC~ 25-21, AND ]~IAuI'IN~ Ill 1.1 Fmj ~}]E~EOF A NEW SEC- <br />~I~ON TO BE ~ AS ~'SECI'IC~ 2521. <br />UI~, ,m BY 2~X~]]~]I)i~G ~ ~ TO ~ ~ A~{ ~ I~ MC~%[I~-]I,~ ]~'1'1~. <br />Bill ~b. 8136 ~ give. n ite .~ <br /> <br />Bill No. 8136 was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mrs. Sc~an moved that this bill be ad~pted as an ordinance. Mr. Sdmcmer <br />~ t_he motion. Upon roll call, the following vote was recorded: AYES: <br /> <br />NAYS: Ncne. ABSenT: Ccunci~ Wagner. Bill No. 8136 became Ordinance <br />No. 5924. <br /> <br /> <br />