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Session1 1595, ~ Page 6 <br />June 7, 1993 <br /> <br />Mr. Ollendorff thanked the Council for the hard work and difficult a~isicns <br /> <br />RESUBDIVISI~N OF PEAT - 7916 TEASE <br /> <br />~he City Manager concurred with the Plan O-,.,.L~sic~ ~reo~.endatic~ to approve <br />splitting 7926 Teasadie into two lots, provided that the front building line <br />is set 40' f=um the fro~t pk-operty line, private street maintenance responsi- <br /> <br />Mrs. Sch~m~n, 1]ai-~<m to the Plan C~.~H.~tc~, said the (lam~Lssion did not a~ <br />prove this the first time it was corsidered because the lot and setback were <br />not in substantial cc~formance with the rest of the neighborhood; however, <br />the applicant made m0dificatic~s whirl1 were subsequently approved. She said <br />the problen is that the lot is not very dee~ and snm~ of the ~ c~ the <br />next street (Greensfelder) will be in rather close proximity to the new home. <br />NeiGhbors c~ T~dale have expressed str~ support for the resubdivision. <br /> <br />Mr. Wagner said he is u~ bec~ause he believes it will have a negative im- <br />pact o~ sc~e of the Greensfelder humes. <br /> <br />Mr. Scb~x~er did not believe Council could withhold approval since it is in <br />conformity with City codes. He called tba question. <br /> <br />All voted Aye except Mr. Wagner, who voted Nay. <br /> <br />CONDiTiONAL USE ~ E~r~NSION - THE E II <br /> <br />Mr. Ollendorff l"eC-~mttl~rE]ed appll~;irlg a six-month extension of the conditional <br />use permit for the Delu~-t II housing project for the elderly. <br /> <br />In response to Mrs. ~ueon, Mr. Olle_na~rff said most approvals for this <br />project have beens _rece_~ived, but there are still several loose ends. <br /> <br />Sl'r~ PLANE- 8501 [~IMAR <br /> <br />~he City Manager said approval is reoa~ to add about c~e-third nDre in <br />area to the Bce83ay Indian Cuisine restaux-unt at 8501 Delmar. The restaet, <br /> <br />closed, has caused no proble~B to date. However, if the lunch trade should <br />increase significantly, there might he a parking problen. <br /> <br /> <br />