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5er~ic~ 1595~ Minute~ Facje 9 <br />O ,]~e 7~ 1993 <br /> <br />O <br /> <br />Bill No. 8125 was give1 its sec__=~nd reading. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8125 w~s given its third reading. <br /> <br />/~l~es. NAYS: None. ABSeNt: Mayor Majerus. Bill Ma. 8125 b~e Ordinance <br />No. 5913. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8126 - AMENDING (:}]AFr~ 23 M/q/CIPAL COeE REEAT/NG TO O~'~%~ES--MIS- <br />C~Ehr3/~E~US AND ~ErlNG ~ A N~q SEUrlC~I TO B~ I4NOMq AS "SEUrlC(~ 23-54. <br />Fm~URY." <br />Bill No. 8126 was given its secund r~aing. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8126 was given its third l~aing. <br /> <br />~a~s. NAYS: None. ABSENT: Mayor Majerus. Bill No. 8126 <br />No. 5914. <br /> <br />T~MPT." <br />Bill No. 8127 was given its seccra nea~___ing. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8127 was given its third r~aing. <br /> <br />Mrs. Scb~an asked Mr. Ollendorff to explain this bill. He said the Code has <br />a list of it~ that are illegal to do, and this bill makes it illegal to at- <br />tempt to do any of those it~ (even if not successful). <br /> <br />Mrs. Trice%son moved that this bill be adoptea_ as an ordinance. Mr. Schocmer <br />seccraed the moti~]. Upon roll call, the following vote was _reco__ra;a: AYES: <br />Cctmci~ Schoct~er, ~eml, Price, Wagner, S~human, and Mayor Pro Tern <br />/~hms. NAYS: None. ABSENt: Mayor Majerus. Bill No. 8127 bec~__~__~e ~ <br />No. 5915. <br /> <br />BTTL NO. 8128 - AM~qDING (~AFI'ZR 21 MLQqCIPAL CO[~ RELATING TO MYrOR VE]IcFRq <br />AND TRA~'~'IC BY pj~-~AT.TNG SEUr~C[4 21-127 REIAT/NG TO PARKING OF ~ VE- <br />HIOT]?~, AND ]~%Zi~.I:.J.'.L.NG IN T,"I'TF~ ~{EA~DF A NEW SEu. J.'.LCi~T TO BE ENOM%T AND "SEUI'IO N <br />21-127. PARKING ~ V]}IIcIR~ E'ItI~L); EX~].'II3~S," BY PI~CMIBI'rlNG <br />THE b"lr4~Er PAT~{~G OF CCt4~ERCIAL VMMICT~R UNE~R ~ ~',UaNCES, <br />Bill No. 8128 was given its secund r~ading. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8129 - AMM2~DING CI~AFIT/~ 34 M3NICIPAL (IXE R~AT/NG TO ZC~F/NG BY I~E- <br />PE~T.TNG SECI~C:~ 34-90 R~TAT/I4G TO [EFINrrlC[4S, AND ~4A~rlNG THERRTN A NEW <br />SEct'iON TO BE ENOM~ AS "SEui'iQN 34-90. EgEFINrri(I~S," BY AMEnDiNG SAID SEC- <br />TION SO AS TO (~{~2~GE THE T]~1G"'I}'I OF PRIVATE PE V~{Ir~R TO EIC~nL'JI%.W ~'~:~.'1' <br />Bill No. 8129 was given its second reading. <br /> <br /> <br />