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Sessic~l 1593, <br />May 17, 1993 <br /> <br />Page4 <br /> <br />CRt.TANE~jS BY ~2~AJA'ANG A NE~ SEUA'AfJ~ TO BE ~ AS "SECTIC~ 23-51. <br />TO ID~qT/FY AS A WI'A~ESS. <br />Bill No. 8120 was given its second reading. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8120 was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mr. ~ moved that this bill be ~a~a as an ord/nance. Mr. Wagner <br />seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the following vote was reco_~rded~__: AYES: <br /> <br />None. ABSENT: Mayor Majerus and Counc4]m~ae~_rs Prioe and Sd~m~n. Bill No. <br />8120 beca~ Ordinance No. 5908. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8121 - AM~I~DING (~-]A~l~ 25 Ea_A~ICAFAL CO[[ RN~A_~ING TO R~l'l~ ~ <br />~I~ M ~T.~ E~ 25-10 ~ ~l'~ ~ T.~ EF A ~ E- <br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "EI'I~ 25-10. ~~ I ~:~ ~TIW," <br />~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~rl~ ~ ~~ OF ~E ~ ~ <br />~A'~ ~ 30 ~. <br />Bill ~. 8~1 ~ giM i~ ~ ~. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8121 was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mr. Schocmer moved that this bill be ~a~pted as an ordinance. Mr. Wagner <br />seocra~a the motion. Upon roll call, the following vote was _reco~_rded: AYES: <br /> <br />None. ABS~AqT: Mayor Majerus and Counc~ Sc~m~n and Price. Bill No. <br />8121 became Or~ No. 5909. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8122 - AMenDING C'~AF'~ 17 MUNICAFAL ~ REIATING TO ~E <br />MAINTEXqANCE OOE~ BY ~ACA'ANG A NE~ SEU"'C~ TO BE }$~3M~ AS "EI'i0N 17-2. <br />117. NOEI~'ICATIO~ OF NEW k~RC'IRIC ~. <br />Bill No. 8122 was given its second r~-~Ming. <br /> <br />Bill No. 8122 was given its third reading. <br /> <br />Mr. Schonm~_r moved that this bill be adc~a as an ordinance. Fu~. Wagner <br />seccra_~ the motion. Upon roll call, the following vote was _reco__ra~a: AYES: <br /> <br />Nc~e. ~: Mayor Majerus and Oounc~l~ee~ers Price and Schuman. Bill No. <br />8122 becaE~e 0r~ No. 5910. <br /> <br />BILL NO. 8123 - PROVIDING FC~ ~E EXECXYTIC~ OF A POLE LICENSE AG~k~3~JqT <br />TWaiN UNION N~mO~qIC CO. AND eITY U'AY; (XJVEAINING AN ~I~T~qCY CLAUSE. <br />A bill was introduced by Councilmember Sc~ocmer, entitled: <br /> <br />bill was assigned No. 8123 and give~ its first reading. <br /> <br /> <br />