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2014-06-06 Study - Budget Leg, Admin, Fin, IT
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City Council Agenda
2014-06-06 Study - Budget Leg, Admin, Fin, IT
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fund. So while the City is making up ground, it probably is not making it up fast enough, which is the <br />reason that the Pension Board made the request to change the amortization schedule. He stated <br />that following their recommendation would allow the City to increase its contributions steadily over a <br />period of time versus making one significant contribution. Mr. Crow stated that in his opinion, it <br />would be a good decision to increase the City’s percentage to 80 percent. <br /> <br />Ms. Charumilind stated that this year the City contributed the amount recommended by the actuary <br />which was over $800,000, and that should put the City in a good place. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow stated that cities which are better funded than University City utilize assumptions that are <br />far more aggressive. However that aggressive rate of return may only make it appear as though <br />they are well funded, when in fact they may not be. He stated that on the return side, the City’s plan <br />is pretty conservative as far as the greater return. So in his opinion, the Pension Board has made a <br />good and prudent first step. <br /> <br />CITY MANAGER’S OFFICE <br />Ms. Charumilind stated that the total budget for 2015 is projected to be $685,700, which is a <br />decrease of 5 percent from the previous year. <br /> <br />Personnel Services <br />Ms. Charumilind stated that Personnel Services represented 52 percent of the budget and this year <br />there is a projected decrease of eight percent due to a reduction in funding for the Youth <br />Employment Program (YEP). <br /> <br />Ms. Charumilind stated that in 2014 the City modified the YEP by partnering with the Chamber of <br />Commerce and local businesses that provide employment. Under this modification local businesses <br />pay the students directly and then invoice the City for the City’s portion of the student’s salary, which <br />is now half of their hourly salary of $7.35 an hour. Ms. Charumilind stated that students work 18 <br />hours and are required to attend a two-hour work readiness program every Friday. <br /> <br />Mr. Glickert informed Mr. Walker that this was the type of information he would like to see heralded <br />in the ROAR’s publication. <br /> <br />Contractual Services <br />Ms. Charumilind stated that Contractual Services represented 47 percent of the total budget. This is <br />a two-percent decrease from previous years due to the reduction in Temporary Services and in <br />Printing Services. She stated that in previous years the budget for Temporary Services included <br />funding to pay for a secretary to the City Manager which has now been filled with a full-time <br />permanent employee. The new three-year bid for printing services is less than it was last year. Ms. <br />Charumilind stated that this service is used to print the City’s calendar and biweekly newsletter. <br /> <br />Ms. Charumilind stated that as in previous years, Professional and Legal Services represented the <br />largest portions of the budget for the City Manager’s office. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow questioned whether the City was projecting that it would spend the entire amount of <br />$120,000 that has been allocated for Legal Services. Ms. Charumilind stated that at the time the <br />budget was prepared she had not been able to review all of the items that are still pending. So <br />although her belief is that the full amount will not be necessary, this amount had not been adjusted. <br />She stated that she would provide Council with the actual expenditures prior to the budget being <br />presented for its approval. <br /> <br />Commodities <br />Ms. Charumilind stated that this year the Commodities’ portion of the budget is so minimal that its <br />trend lines do not even appear on the chart. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />
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