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2014-05-27 Study - Budget Comm Devl
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City Council Minutes
2014-05-27 Study - Budget Comm Devl
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Last modified
7/7/2014 10:44:27 AM
Creation date
7/7/2014 10:44:27 AM
Council Meeting
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Meeting Description
Study Session
2015 Budget presesentation for Community Development
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<br />Heman Park Community Center <br />Ms. Riganti stated that there was a significant increase to the building’s maintenance of 433 <br />percent. She stated that again, staff is dealing with an older facility. They are trying to retrofit the <br />building and improve the aesthetics in anticipation of upcoming rental events. There is still a <br />demand for this facility and bookings have slightly increased from the previous year. <br /> <br />In terms of the performance of the Heman Park Community Center Ms. Riganti stated that staff is <br />looking to the Heman Park Master Plan for guidance with respect to the long-term disposition and <br />use of the facility. <br /> <br />Aquatics <br />Ms. Riganti stated that there is a slight decrease in the budget for miscellaneous improvements. <br />She stated that this year improvements were made to the pool house, although the intent was to <br />perform major cosmetic improvements to the facility. Ms. Riganti stated that staff discovered that <br />the stucco had a hole in the exterior so some of the budgeted funds were used to repair the hole. <br />She stated that there were approximately 1,000 visitors to the pool over the last three days – <br />opening weekend. <br /> <br />Centennial Commons <br />Ms. Riganti stated that there was a major increase to the budget due to the new marketing <br />campaign. <br /> <br />Mayor Welsch asked Ms. Riganti why the pension contributions for Centennial Commons had <br />decreased when it seems to have gone up in all of the other program areas. Ms. Riganti stated <br />that she would have to defer the question to the Director of Finance. Ms. Charumilind stated that <br />there are two employees who work at both Centennial Commons and the Community Center and <br />their salaries and benefits have been allocated to come out of the Community Center budget. <br /> <br />Mr. Sharpe asked Ms. Riganti the price of a senior citizen membership? Ms. Riganti stated that <br />she would have to provide the exact amount later, but there is also a program called Silver <br />Sneakers and Senior Fit which offers a certain discount for income-qualified individuals, so the rate <br />is going to vary depending on the income level. <br /> <br />Public Parking Garage <br />Ms Riganti stated that there were no significant changes to the budget. <br /> <br />Economic Development Retail Sales Tax <br />Ms. Riganti stated that this budget has subsequently been reformatted and will be provided to <br />Council at a later date. As a reminder, she stated that use of the sales tax is governed by Missouri <br />State Statute, Chapter 67, as well as 120.520 of the City’s Municipal Code that sets forth specific <br />criterion by which any project receiving funding must adhere to. Ms. Riganti stated that this year, <br />along with the City’s own projects, staff requested applications from qualified individuals, groups <br />and organizations. All applications were reviewed to ensure that they met the requirements of the <br />th <br />Code and priorities established by the EDRST Board. Next a public hearing was held on April 9 to <br />gather input which was used to develop staff’s recommendation to the Economic Retail Sales Tax <br />rd <br />(EDRST) Board. On April 23 the EDRST Board adopted a $575,000 budget for the use of the <br />funds, which is close to the anticipated revenues from the sales tax. Ms. Riganti stated that the <br />recommendations are outlined in the attached memorandum and it should be noted that a number <br />of these projects provide an economic benefit City-wide. The Loop Special Business District, U-City <br />in Bloom and the Chamber are some of the entities that the City partnered with in the use of the <br />funds. <br /> <br />Mr. Crow asked Ms. Riganti if the City would be utilizing RFP(s) for some of the larger budgeted <br />items in the EDRST fund like the Collaborative. Ms. Riganti stated that with respect to the <br /> <br />
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