<br />in
<br />R, os fatlo°was
<br />. rlewtisn 1. t14 alkali ba tlsarfsal ter any # or .~to
<br />" s lw toghtitnt In Vto tiitr of U ivereity * t*'Mth the totem, of boho
<br />sM :e,t to asttmally or"6a to =ety`ii Pnei sett with xOr^nw or •t*iNwne
<br />+r
<br />arainat ti".a nrererty of the !ityt or th,t °rwroon or iroVorty or rm other
<br />or pomme, er %rrtrwt thr, ,ainos or to the tsrror e" othotw, or to
<br />make aagr movmAnt or troparation thorefor. Am it ahall likew.eo rte Mtww-
<br />ftil for any T-it scot or -orswno, by tf"olr -i-6o , anomsel or natonaa t,
<br />to aoeint or to ataet a nathmr oth-ra it, t'.;s tti-miaricti o" tirvr offwnae
<br />ho"Inbotero sfeoift«l, or ltok; ;inoow,t at ssveh neweanLiy or aoetir,pt to
<br />rW.nv,tn tnernln or nf. , "nr f;... ,r t,e, ryw to °IrAO lom of ronwant or
<br />aslant to tha nermissi,n of aunt, r'ttnoo or synpnthy with ta:n por7trtrrrt~ro
<br />thwrwo P,
<br />n of ion 2. It r•`Sntl bf unlawful for " *norson Su tiro City o" Qnivar-
<br />city City to wilfully t'isturb tho poaau of othnro by -,iolant, tavultacitr or
<br />offensive conduct e., oftrriage; o'.• by lour! and untioubl nvio ; or by tmsoealy,
<br />profana, ohooone or oYfe:.r,ir r: iartrs,tatre cnlruiotea to pro:oks n branch or t;re
<br />peaoat or by assaulting, etrikSnP or fighting asw.hori awl it shall liaswise
<br />be unlawful for an-, person in said City to poT-At otn^!t ,ondtwt by others in
<br />any hous5, or upon any premises, in hi: poeseealon or ur.lor his mans-anent or
<br />ro twnt Ai ,,a {n `,,o vinfn+`.c %ri, t~Pbv Aistn*bei in their resew.
<br />Gecticn It slim, b3 u,ilawful or -ry- pcrrnon althin tho dity cf
<br />
<br />..+,Q.~..,,
<br />iv,iv c~ri iy vitr .v ws ax uiir uiro:ua `v vl .aaoqpl e. .j Jr
<br />lot for religious worship, or of a-, school in seesion or of nrr,- assamtlage
<br />- - of persona not for literary, ~Iitioal, social, or of er purpoesot by rude,
<br />indacan t or boistcro_~ - - +'•y t..,•-, ol+ecara Cr proflnw ronver-
<br />cation, or by ioua and un:wuai noioos, or try thruaier.irW firhtizw,, or uy
<br />r
<br />ohalloneine ay one thorein, u d it shall likewise be uniawftl for any one
<br />to be found loitering at the oorners of tho streets, or in she vicinity of
<br />