<br />`GR
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<br />'1.ae14d #40tion lot stock i'OXTe, stable a, ato. ji stook yard 010-
<br />prietor whose busineria 16 *2 kn&;p a stooX yard whrirn Ps star.
<br />acmes, iottlo, here or ahnoV arcs 1,A)iw A, no1P., k tared or
<br />traded r3r compeneatl0h, In tblu city shall P;P;y r,0 the o01,-
<br />ioour, in -.avanoe, an annual city 11conse of one hundred Ord
<br />fifty dollars; the proprietor of n an+e, livery or reed stables
<br />wz,ro harass or mulea Be(- stabled to be bought, aOld,hartered,
<br />hired Jr trcCad An a knistness an tills city, ahall pay in
<br />advaarae, to the oOlieato.r, an tartual license therefor of
<br />On,6 PnAn.1red aollaxre;,'a horse nni Oattio dealer is one vrt;o buy"
<br />or sails, bargains or trades in horses, miles, aattle hogs
<br />or sheep, on his owt, nou(:unt without being tP.e keeper of a
<br />atc,e'ks,ard or R nnior sstA.Ww, strut he b;AiAll pty 1Yi aaivpana,e to the
<br />collector, an nnt:ual licertne of twenty five dol..nre fOS eon-
<br />lueting Bald brininess in 'ilia olty, ^rz; a:y violation of thin
<br />ordinanoo shall bu a mindmaas or purAdhabls on 00.^victlon by
<br />a fine of twonty five dolleraw
<br />tabin, pool tabiyf Plstoa~nnd ahooting gall a theatre or
<br />other exhibition, shoe or eauacsment, for gain, without a
<br />ltoblrsa therefor, a hillia d Or E,)ol table, is a place sl:era a
<br />table on which the gPme of billiaris or POD l is played scat ccaitr
<br />talned accessible to the 'J1ibl.j*, °jW a onRrge is mada for the
<br />privilege of Playint" tho game: a pistol and a? sting gallery
<br />is a Place where guar or ptetols are permitted to be fired
<br />for a fee paid; a theatre is a place eaployea for dramatdo
<br />Vr CoPurutl"- G/laioltluzid, acid a snow 0r i.,=,n--tort i^u an A-
<br />hibition where an Admission fee is ePaAraed. There shall be
<br />levied and collected fo: avezy license grarty& for any business ✓ ~
<br />Or oop~~eot herein act clfied, eB z'u flow a; " all a i.l.oe;iss for
<br />a Piaiol and shooting gallery, fifteer uollars per each six r,
<br />tenths no such license Shall be lamed for a, Period of
<br />lees than six months, for each circus or menagerie ore, Bids Shen
<br />ele0ompan7ing the as=, ten dollars, par day, for a theatre
<br />or any aruneemen{ where an admiasi.~n is charged, for one month
<br />fifteen d,llacs, for three months thirty dollars, for six monttts
<br />Tarts per yaor on cash tshle, =419 licannea shalla be paid
<br />the 0011entcr In ad-w,coJ and ehosver sr',all violate or neglect
<br />or r-es'.a r0, tn -hserve the provisions of this santioT, and any
<br />or either of them, shall be deemod guilty of a misden~r-nr, and
<br />upon conviction, be fii,e1 not less than tan dollars for etch
<br />0"61186, and every day thn tnxinO^" 1- t.E4 '7TILSOut a
<br />iWenue, shall bO a aeparate offenses
<br />a{
<br />I
<br />