<br />Bc w - - r'v •M~^ ^w. -m"~'m ?MIN,,. -Z'no
<br />'h
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<br />saourity to the city for the faithful perfo'rmanoe of na dutles,
<br />nonriit.ior:ad tfint he will faithfiWy a,-A punitually collect ay4
<br />pay over ail, ntazo, aetio`i, maLi,lpn! n^m -tiror rAvnn oa,
<br />fuA o),1;, olalms tnu pity any have against any parson durinig
<br />the time he shall to in o "ioo, W that hn will in all things
<br />falttallzlly perform all Cutlea of the office of oollootor aneords-
<br />ing t.o 1nw W ozdlr,annee. Such bond shall be In th-, mza of
<br />five tratiewd dollars, wt ,h onaurity to be sp; roved by
<br />t,h. B,ayor 50! hoped U Aldor2 nh. Be, F+rall alai, give nond in
<br />amount tip1 security to the state, to thn aatisfaetton or the
<br />Mayor, that he will faithfully and punctually oolioot aid pay
<br />over all State, sohocl, municipal and other revenues, and that
<br />he will in all things faithfully perform Pli th-, duties of the
<br />office of Collector, according to law, This bend shall be ex.
<br />ecuted in duplicate, one of which bhol' be depoulted with the
<br />Mayor, and the other tranumitted to the State Auditor and 1;' it
<br />appears to the last nameal offiner that, The Pont to tn,, atato
<br />le irsuffivent, he aia the Mayor shall retiuiie the Collector
<br />to,^,ive addittongl bona to the state, ere if he foil to give
<br />seld rddicional bond within ton Onys after he shall hone keen
<br />„.ew ncti.tier, tis office-shall to dealars30,_vaeast.
<br />70117 ~yC ~n/tea` b`yy /'vr'i_n~- /yn,
<br />$eotlon t3• P,i.~ Coliaotar Wall pay all salaries are
<br />R 1J- other elvensas OP his office and all other costs of colleoti.ns
<br />' the respective revenues and, ehall receive as full oomvenantion
<br />d
<br />G r',YP t
<br />roles yrovldod for, within the City of Urlworkty C1ty, and X&OV
<br />a vm".ails au`Cr$7Unt "r All iSias 0411991,10no from ail the dirrerans
<br />sou'* and pay the into the t,iry trowasary dally.
<br />s v , . -I
<br />so t1on 40 .0 OyAleptC
<br />t +`k✓/7/N.9",°d•_ o,. bef" t~~bs`iri1Y Y the
<br />gl&s(~ a9PAhrrrer O ,
<br />ditaatharge of tho denies of file office shall give tons sod
<br />for his servioss the same commissions provided by State Law for
<br />i
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