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MEETING OF THE PUBLIC =ROVET ENTS CORD".^I TT EE, UNIVERSITY CITY, <br /> FEBRUARY 14TH, 1 9 2 5. <br /> PRESENT: Aldermen Butts, Acting Mayor and pity Engineer, Heimbuecher. <br /> The meeting was called for the purpose of requesting the o�rmers of the private <br /> alley, Block Nine (9) Parkview, to dedicate same and incorporate it into Melville <br /> Avenue. <br /> The interested property owners present were; Mr. E.)V. Dolch, 401 'Nestgate <br /> Avenue; Mr. Henry 17. Leyhe, 405 Westgate Avenue; Mrs. H. R. Clark, 439 Westgate <br /> Avenue; Mrs. John Duvic, 447 .'destgate Avenue and Mr. August mpfler, 515 ?°Testgate <br /> Avenue. <br /> Acting Mayor Butts explained what the Administration proposed to do to <br /> Melville Avenue, and the City Engineer supplied further details. After considerable <br /> discussion and in view of the fact that only five of the sixteen interested property <br /> owners were present, it was decided to hold another hearing at a later date. <br /> ---000--- <br /> MEETING OF PUBLIC IA;PROVE!r,NTS CONINITTEE, UNIVERSITY CITY, <br /> FEBRUARY 19TH, 1 9 2 5. <br /> - PRESENT: Alderman Butts, Acting Mayor; Alderman Robinson, Chairman; Alderman <br /> Ebbs, and City Engineer, Heimbuecher. <br /> Pursuant to the notice given the owners of Block Nine (9), Parkview, relative to <br /> the dedication of the private alley along the 71lest side of the Block, some 12 or 14 <br /> property ovners were represented at the meeting. Acting Mayor Butts explained the <br /> necessity of improving Melville Avenue between Delmar Boulevard and Kingsbury Boule- <br /> vard, and the City Engineer supplemented his introductory remarks by showing the ad- <br /> vantage of dedicating the private alley along the West side of Block Nine (9) Park- <br /> view which would permit of widening the roadway of Melville Avenue three or four feet. <br /> By eliminating the alley, the owners could either construct a narrow sidewalk along <br /> the East curb line of Melville Avenue, or leave out the sidewalk and move their fences <br /> to within two or three feet East of the curb line, thus eliminating the necessity <br /> of paving an alley parallel to a paved street with a three or four foot strip of dirt <br /> between, and saving them some $200.00 per lot. <br /> Mr. Williams stated that at a meeting of the lot owners, the consensus of <br /> opinion of the majority of the awners was that the dedication of the alley would alter <br /> the original layout of the Subdivision and surrender rights which they now had; that <br /> the majority were not in favor of dedicating the alley as evidenced by the signed <br /> statement of 12 of the 16 lot owners. This statement was then filed *ith the <br /> Committee. A petition to the Trustees of Parkview authorized them to dedicate the <br /> alley, signed by one only; namely, W. C. Flynn, 421 '.Vestgate Avenue, was filed. The <br /> hearing was then completed. <br /> g. <br /> The Committee then discussed the pavement improvement program f;4 streets <br /> season, and decided that proceedings should be started at o <br /> snd the work prosecuted in the following order; o .AWA <br /> rrr <br />