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% <br />GrMSe ,r11t rSO urgad,lWatlc,i,, (,.Ytr4pi:,TWtgii, a oori'"ration exiwting <br />under +.s,,d t,y virtsaa r,f isw, issa seaal rsnrt.nir. reel ss•,ato iituats <br />in the city r,f imlVerstty Ulty, -t. Uounty, tAissouri, to be <br />Iota out as s sud:+livtsion in tt,w city ~,r 1d,1versity city, end new <br />:l Iv104d said ra:n1 aate!.e is,ty iota, Ltafii xbva r+'is, tav•sn ana, allaya, <br />walks rand saaeroents, which s„id aihslivlsion in kn;,wn as Untver,sity <br />Park; and <br />'sIMRF,A:l, said G r~aa,ne WiUmore Oryon;i.ation, Ir,- <br />ourpurated old cnus,s a plat of *rr:id rsubdivision to be made and <br />recorded in tt.e ofrioe of the hecordar ')f Denda of :;t. Louis Gounty, <br />ixls!tryi'rl, in i,iat Book 18, Psgos 'ra and 39, which said plat of <br />said audulvislun w,ra :.,;Ay ra^c~pteo by tiiY (:tty of iniveralty A;ity; <br />and <br />MR2d13, on the 2;Ah day of Parch, A. D. 1922, the said <br />Cyrus Crane 11111moni Organization, Incorporated, and Cyrus Crane <br />iillaors, John W. Higginbotham and William B. Craig, as ^.rustees, <br />caused to be executed and acknowledged a certain indenture, which <br />said indenture among other things provides that said Trustbex, or <br />their successors, shall have the authority and power to dedicate <br />for public use forever all or any part of the portions of Jackson <br />♦;emie or tna natural aoutinua'c.r..:s or --te--.ipnr thereof lying <br />said m. _,.«., st thin the said subdivision whenever said Trastess <br /> <br />- .~.itM <br />shall be thsrstWto requested by uroinanoe uuly e.,a . '-Y . f <br />of University City; yA <br />e11Il <br />'T;vRu[s;>, the undersi,; ned, S. 11,s, U• 2arken <br />and J. '.i. Wartmann, by an Indent:are filed and recorded in the <br />office of the Recorder of Deeds in at. Louis ~;ou,ity, i!Issouri, <br />in Dead Book 914, Page 418, were duly constituted the Trustees <br />of said University Park; and <br />