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r' <br />E71 <br />q <br />a <br />"AN <br />s <br />(4 <br />M 1 % r, b <br />Y'Ha"if f ~ <br />ttt <br />e.~ <br />BILL <br />.1 <br />OWWKWX <br />AX oIp Oct APPBOT18o AND ADMISO In "a, BP10Iy100101i O <br />WrMTX Oy 19010M IT TO CITY B2IOMM VOI "It TIMSOTIM" of MU" <br />lei CITY Oy 1.,«;,.fT CITYx iEI, ' <br />hVVj% ?Q" VIM I A a 1,XTA=, x°<r..rsd T ACCO ISO <br />ATX TO BSAS VIA N D VIA tit <br />TO iIX AXi1 lIPIIQIPIAATTOBB POZAGA1fT Tip p18IO88 OF QVDMMCS <br />leis, AVTWM TO 12TH DAY Of AFZ1Q.s A. b. 1128, PBfff1D W FOl BMZ INV T <br />0BUBO TO UID PLAN# AM sFBCIFIOA,TICMB AND DIM MO TBl CITI C1318K TO W <br />I1100 0 rat AI WDFO 08D 17 IMIIAAL TAX b1 8 T IMW B/ L~Al1A1~D OtiliTO TH1t ant, <br />MA" BB IT OAIt "D IT TTIB BOARD OF ALDk81M OF TIM CITY OF DBIFG'BIfT CITY, <br />1"WOVl1, AS IOLLOM <br />ABCTIOa 1. The plans and 4peolfiaatlons for the improvement 3f r"'ti'''my <br />AMOZ, A PUBLIC STRUT 110 Tnt CITY Or U11V614811Y CiT7, WIS ,Mlj, r 4L1ju' <br />At/21D8 TO ABBIB 9M MAD, together with the oatimst.e of cost for 'u,r:Iahin,l the <br />material and doing toe work, suede by the City Zsginaer, and now or. file with the <br />City Clark, are hereby approved sad adopted as the plans and spao.rtoatlors and <br />estimate of the cost for amid iapravandet. <br />aNCTIOI 2, piM AJI AYINUZ, A MLIC STRUT IN THE CITY (,A' bll710,41TT <br />CITY, hISSOVE, FROM CHAW10141 AY MM g TO AMAI BOOLVAM, shall be iapre•usd, b;t <br />bringing the same to the grade established by Ordinaneo lumber 1800, aparovzd thr., <br />8th day of Urah, A. D. 1826; by preparing the roadway for the superstruof:trs; by <br />laying thereon a roadway pavement Twenty-Tao (22) toot wide, oonsistin+ of a <br />Portland Cement Conn.rste ha+e anurae of Six (d) inahea average thinknsse, wi':h(I♦ <br />atmwetene as ov.r+4 a,tg.'xwate, a 1 z #!g9 ti ril. :.r,as rsa nr asphaltic twn <br />inches thick; by constructing in plooe and dividing Into biooks a ourb utL gutter <br />in combination Four and On"alf (4j) test wide along each edge of t'.h., r-.ndway <br />pavement, such curb and gutter in oonbination to be composed of Portland (;Gagnt <br />Concrete, seven (T) inches .hick, reinforced with stool wire mesh, rites gravel <br />as coarse aggregate, with am expansion point On*-Half inch thick of asphaltum <br />felt or its equal at intervals of Fifty (80) feet transversely suer curb <br />and gutter in aombination for the full depth of the concrete, suoy.enlrb and Sutter <br />in combination to be sot out into the street boyodd the sidewalk; or in the alter. <br />native; by laying thereon a roadway pavement of Portland Cement Conorste, Seven (ry) <br />Inches thick, reinforced with steel wire es"sh, with gravel for coerce aggregate; <br />with an expansion joint One-Half inch thick of asphaltum felt or its equal a'. <br />Intervals of Thirty-Three (39) foot trrnavorwely somas such pavement t2tw full <br />depth of the concrete; such roadway pavement to be constructed Thirty-0-ne 1'41) .'ee4 <br />wide and an integral curb to be milt thereon of an average thickness oV :33.z (3) <br />inches, composed of Portland Comment Cororcts, such ourb to to sot out ir.uc the <br />street beyond the sidewalk; b all proper oannections with into-seating <br />streets and alleys; by constructing and connecting new eatsh.besias end, trap ia`xeto <br />where necessary; by ad'soting all mmnhoios and inlets to the line end grads o: the <br />--shod work; WI a,Itrsnteeing to keep in repair all of the above mentioned work <br />and to replace any dofaotive work or material for a period of One (1) year, c,,,M- <br />mencing on the day of the accepLauce by the city of the completed %v,7k, in ao.L>,'_ <br />ones with the plans and specifications aforesaid approved and adopted urdor Sooticn <br />One (1) of tnis Oros name. the Vitt' lrlers. is Hereby ulrwviwu w i .,rill `.uc' <br />Watohmon-Advocate, a weakly newspaper published in the City of Giayton, 8 t. I„nSe <br />County, Kissouri, there being no newspaper puolisuod in iile Caly o:`sy Oily, <br />and the Watchman-AdvOoatq being the next nearest newspaper to the city of i4jvarsity <br />City, published in acid County, by at least ono (1) insertion to appear at least <br />ten (10) days prior to the opening or the bids, that sealed bids and proposal* will <br />be received by him at his offioe up to eight o clock p. M., May 9th, A. n. 1926, <br />to be than opened in the presence of the Mayor and 9osrd of Aldermen at a meeting <br />of said Board in U1. City Bell. the work to ba awarded by 0rdinrs:oc tr, the !t°wzct <br />:t <br />