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MILL o0jil' "C0151 <br />hilly-A."i, .,artiur, 'Am of aa'd ;rfi;.nanie ,,o. IVtA Arta <br />out certain dafititiona of the term used 0110 employee ar$3 ra- <br />forrad to in said urdinence ;v cr. I,, A; si;d, <br />,pike <br />S, it is dasired t,~ ameni.1 No. 1254 ao <br />So to add P. psragra{Ai to be knoan ws ?52A. in o,d°,r t3 i?efire the <br />word "stadium"; and, <br />'ffXkEA3, it is dwaired to nriand said Croinlnnce <br />No. 1264 by amplifying that part of enragrauh 1ght of 3ef;tlov <br />PoiAr of said Ordinance which dea7a a'Itr, ttie re.qulntin:.a as ;',u <br />ttarv u"s C)1' !x(,worty In t;;n "t" rent aaric e- iintrift de'it:e'd by <br />said Ordlnai;ce ,;o. 121,4; anti, <br />Y'H&hKA6, the City elaO i;nr71l3c;icn Of tite Lity of '41- <br />varsity City, did, on the 28th dey of liovamber, A. i). 1928 re- <br />commend that Ordinance ho. 1254 be ame:rdsd an hereinbefore sat <br />out; and, <br />'°JKEFA3, notice was duly ..given and pub::ishsd as req,.iirer', <br />by law that a hearing or. the proposed amendments we-4 to be hell <br />in the Council Chambers of the City Hall of the 1:'.ty of University <br />City, !tissouxi, on the 2nd day of ,Tanuory, A. O., 19h!:>, at PiAAt <br />O'clock A. ard, <br />'WgiV.A3, all of the proz'iaions of the lags of the Stole <br />of t,tissourt governing such matters have been duly csopliad wiuh <br />in all respects; and, <br />'7HH:;F;AS, a hearing was duly Jell in tine Council C`.ac'ners <br />of the City of University City on the 2nd day of Jsnutrv, A- U., <br />1929, in accordance with the duly published notice of said 4epr- <br />ing; and, <br />•7HERV3 the Board of Aid-r-en of t.'- rift/ nr <br />sity City, I-Assouri, now deer: it advisable to emend ,aid ordinance <br />No. 1254 as hereinabove set out; <br />NOW, TH' n3°OiiS, be it ordained by trLs Board of Aldetvnen <br />of the City of university City, !A:aouri, as fo:lows: <br />MW ~w,'m tt <br />