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A. I <br />i <br />N.svasaer 28th, 1928. V. <br />s <br />2r ss <br />TO IRS RDSOROU NWYOR ANt) BOARD OF "MM, <br />OP Too CITY Of INIV ITY CITY, MISSOURI. <br />Oaatl . <br />ln•sooordanao with request of Mayor Ruth, the City rMF <br />ssi.od,"eat a Spaniel Meeting at the City Hall.•wvooosr• 24*4, )1026, <br />at S o'clock P.M., to consider the proposed ohango in the .untag C"KNO. <br />some intUated by the Hoard of Alder and advert.taad for i iriog by <br />theta, Raveaber 28th, 1928. This Ordinance proposes to change the <br />Coning at the bduthosat oorner of Big Bend Bou`.evard and tnt %ok <br />Island Rsllrood Tracks, occupied by Washington lini.versity, from iti <br />present Close "B" District to class "A" District. <br />Notices of our meeting were sent by the Plan commission to <br />` <br />Washington University and +.he various Improvewenf: A•~re~~ni^?:i nx;t sn<i <br />Pr0;. rt.i ....n rC edj.Ji::6 ng th:d Unlver"".y e. aTp° ..:^G NU- ib <br />e hearing at which representatives of the Univeraity onl these Organize- <br />g <br />tions expressed their views, and after duo deliberation on the xsrt .-f <br />the Coamdoxion, the following action was taken: <br />"That the City Flan Comatission recommends to the Honorsbie <br />1- <br />Board of Alderman, that they do not change the Zoning of a traot of land <br />hounded last by the City Limits of St. Louis, South by the South Cit, <br />Limits Lint of University City, Neat by Big Bend Nculevsr<i and North vy <br />the Right of Nay of the Rock Island Railroad, from "T" Residence District <br />to "A" Residence District. In lieu thereof, and in order to irstare t.,e <br />health, safety and general welfare of the poople, we ;'o, hovwrre., reepagtive-. <br />ly recomend modification of the Zone Ordinance by adding: under icctoaory <br />Buildings, Paragraph S. Section s, of the "B" Residence Rogulations, the <br />following; <br />F <br />"Provided, however, that no Stadium with a seating capacity in <br />excess of 10,000 persons shall. be erected within the niatriet." Alec, that <br />under Section 1, Definitions of the Zone Ordinance, there be inserted i <br />Sub-Section, to be mown as 321., as fnllpwa. "STADIUM: r Stru--lur3 r• r.- <br />structed about a central open space or arena with tiara of "eats for <br />sp"etatnrx, end devoted prinsrily to show* or ath'eti•n 6ve3its", <br />~pC _`_.r_Ily <br />CITY PLAN COMMISSION VO's UAIVI-Rcla CITY <br />APO: JN / C9la irNtan. <br />f <br />t <br />rya. <br />I , <br />r <br />t <br />ft <br />