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Tt( 4. gltwa amid tee bill* are property exw two, 'a.: s x•.Al: <br />be 4w11vore4 ay t,aa 'A tsr Clark to arts Ceatrawtor end aeeepted ty it to 4tell <br />pay::aeat by aa14 ci+.),, for rrniohtaA tbo astorlal, 2oine the worn "A **kind <br />sold iatprowaas,nt, and seta opwaial tar bills shall bear interest stay tMrty <br />(dt')) days from elate of Ios\aa, at. the rate of wiyht (31) per coat vwr am%" one <br />every #Postal two "It #hall be a It" aaai..nat the ).at oar planes of erenxnd <br />daeeribod therein until soar to rartd. <br />SUTIGM d. The City Clark when deltvorInli the said opooirl tare. Mole <br />to rrktC.Y t'3-' ,kRT P9A.4.73, INGORJKtHATND, A f*RklaRATION Cr TO ITAU be 1113'°V 7TT'RTe Gar-, <br />teoeerr. ohall roquiro of it tea aeeign and ourrerador to zl,o laity of Ur.versity <br />City, of its 0041Axes, ovate a ant of weld wpaoiai tax <br />in the a ropatapoaount to and equal the aoiount ca 77TA OLINUFt91 alITT-10iJ8 <br />y ~•d96 DOLLOS. The special x bills so alai Aned and ovrrorderod mholl RSo <br />4el•otwd and dosl.Knatod by the CAty of University City. <br />sMCTI(lN A. Tixia Ordinonso shall take affect cni be !.n forgo from and <br />after ite pasaftye and approval by the Mayor. <br />Paoae<i Fti S.a J day ^^''-'•.'v.'•an •f X. lgn. <br />1 <br />Mayor an; Yx-OPrican fro t of tiro Board <br />of Aidormen. <br />day oP - A. D. 1918. <br />Approved this <br />/~J favor <br />AT183T : <br />City clerk <br />