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.TYUN 6. The pity Clark When de~~l♦iMverine the avid apeotol tax hike <br />to PP t1s^•S'g7.NTdiHAt:H, I'.C<)TP)KATI;", A GS)Fh;kAT7UN OF 'He UTAT1K OF Ml bl, pon,. <br />trostor, whall r*quira of 0 t„1 6141K,s r:1 a~rrs,•..°.ar t,, t.ho City of Urivars?.".y <br />City, or its eaai*nx, a ar. o: ,49 yac.isi. "t ni;.d, or eeeh, Will, <br />in th* aflireAate, amount to an,i equal the adtouna, of tivAh HUNL*XD T TX-b'jV% <br />f64P6.0U) I Akl, The ap.aoial t.a, bil:x au a/aigrod and aurranderad choti Psa <br />aeladtad and designated by the City of University City. <br />3ECTIOM 6. This Ordinanoe shall take affect and ha to forge fr;,ia and <br />after its peadags and mppro{v~1 by 'he Hayor. <br />Pdaaad this day of a.tiar"eeA. D. 1`9, <br />Mayor and 6x-Ofrf.olo llrdoldtgy *t tne- <br />beard rf Alderman <br />319 <br />Approved this ,Z,® day o r{~_ A, w Ion. <br />/f <br />ATTb3Tt <br />ty ar <br />