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member of ma¢~ commission. Such meatYmr shall hold office at the <br />pleasure of the council. One of the citizen members ~mll be sppointed <br />chairman of the commission by the council for the first 3mar; and <br />tbsremftmr the comission shall elect one of its members chairrash tnd <br />one shall he elmclad secretary. The comaission shsll establish its own <br />rules of procedure. <br /> <br />kctton 1Olk.3. Powers and duties: The traffic comeston shall met <br />in mn advisory cmlacity to the council. It shall tusks a contimmum <br />stud~ of the traffic problems and conditinns Of the city in 2mnerml~ <br />and mmon6 other thtnp slmll have the followinS poMers end duties; <br />but this mnmermtton shall not he deestud to he exclusive: <br /> <br />(b) Carry on educational activities in traffic matters. <br /> <br />(c) Receive and investigate compleints having to do vith traffic <br /> <br />(d) <br /> <br />Rmcoammnd to the council and the city manajar va3m and mine of <br />imlrovln6 traffic conditieus and the sdministrmtton and enf~ce- <br />ant of traffic relulaticne, <br /> <br />(m) Initiete a lon~-ranJe master trmffic improvement plea, <br /> <br />(f) <br /> <br />Perform such other duties with reference to traffic and park- <br />ing and related problem net inconsistent Mith the cbmrtmr of <br />the city, as the council my request. <br /> <br />.The colliiJston Ihall rel~rt to the Council st such times and ms often <br />as the council rosy request or the commission my deem necessary; but <br />shall make at least one report annusll~." <br /> <br />eftar its Issmmle, as provided b~ lev. <br /> <br /> PASSE this 'lc~h day of <br /> <br />November , 19~6 <br /> <br /> <br />