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BILL NO. <br /> <br />INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN GLICKERT <br /> ORDINANCE NO. <br /> <br />5O85 <br /> <br />'AN ORDINANCE ACCEPTING THE PROVISION OF CHAPTER 353, <br />REVISED STATUTES.OF MISSOURI "URBAN REDEVELOPMENT <br />CORPORATION LAWn"TO BE KNOWN AS, "THE URBAN REDEVELOP- <br />MENT ORDINANCE." <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Council deems it to be in the best interest of the City of <br /> <br />University City, that an ordinance be enacted accepting the provisions of Chapter <br />353, Revised Statutes of Missouri, "Urban Redevelopment Ordinance" which, among other <br />provisions, will generally tend to promote the likelihood of appropriate redevelop- <br /> <br />ment of Such portions of the City of Uni'versity 'City. as may be in need' thereof~ <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUHCIL OF THE CITY OF UNXVERSITY <br /> <br />CITY, AS FOLL0['IS: <br />Section 1. Title, designation. <br /> <br /> This Ordinance shall be known and may be. cited and referred <br />to as "The Urban Redevelopmeht Ordinance". <br /> <br />Section 2: Determination of necessi.ty for legislation. <br /> <br /> It is hereby determined and'declared by the Council that <br />in certain portions of the city obsolete, decadent, substandard, <br />insanitary or blighted area exist occasioned by. inadequate <br />planning, excessive land coverage, lack of proper light, air <br />or open space, defective desigh or arrangement of buildings, <br />lack of proper'sanitary facilities, or the existence of buildings, <br />which by reason of age, obsolescence, inadequate or outmoded <br />design, or physical deterioration, have impaired the economic <br />value of large areas, infecting them with blight, and that <br />such areas are characterized by depreciated values, impaired invest- <br />ments, reduced or negligible income'and consequent tax delinquen- <br />cies; that such conditions areas where obsolete, deca- <br />dent, substandard, insanitary, outworn or outmoded industrial, <br />commercial or residential buildings prevail, and the same are <br />conducive to ill health, transmission of disease, infant mortality, <br />juvenile delinquency and crime, that such conditions.occur <br />chiefly in areas which are subdivided into small parcels with <br />multiple ownership and frequently with confusion as to titles; <br />that their assembly for purposes of clearance, replanning, re- <br />habilitation, reconstruction and redevelopment is difficult <br />and costly; that the existence of 'such condition and the failure <br />to clear, replan, rehabilitate, reconstruct or redevelop-these <br />areas result in progressive deterioration, in a loss of popu- <br />lation by the areas, causes a wasteful expenditure of-public <br />funds for policing, and occasions large outlays for the creation <br />of public facilities and services elsewhere; that it is impossible <br />and uneconomical for individual owners to independently undertake <br />to remedy such conditions; that such conditions require the <br />employment of capital on an investment basis,,allowing, however, <br />the widest latitude in the amortization of any indebtedness <br />created thereby; that such conditions further require the <br />acquisition of adequate areas, at fair prices., the clearance <br />of such areas through demolition of~existing'obsolete, decadent, <br />inadequate, unsafe or insanitary buildings and the redevelopment <br />of such areas under proper supervision with'appropriate planning as <br />to land use and construction policies; that the clearance, re- <br />planning, rehabilitation, reconstruction and redevelopment of <br />such areas on a large scale basis are necessary for the public <br />welfare and are public uses and purposes for Which private <br />property may be acquired by purchase or eminent domain; and <br />that such obsolete, decadent, substandard, insanitary and blighted <br />areas constitute a menance to the health, safety, morals and <br />welfare of the citizens of the city. Therefore, the necessity <br />for the provisions herein enacted is hereby declared as a matter <br />of legislative determination to be in the public interest. <br /> <br /> <br />