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BILL NO. <br /> <br />7331 <br /> <br />INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN SABOL <br /> <br /> ORD I t',!ANCE NO o <br /> <br />5164 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 4 OF THE MUNICIPAL <br />CODE OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, RELATING TO <br />ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES0 BY REPEALIHG SECTION 4-45 <br />THEREOF0 AS AMENDED BY ORD I NANCE NOD 486 1 , <br />ENACTED AUGUST 120 1974~ RELATING TO HOURS OF <br />SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES, AND ENACTING IN LIEU <br />THEREOF A NEW SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS "SECTION <br />4-45° HOURS OF SALE; SALE ON SUNDAY AND ELECTION <br />DAY; HOURS OF CLOSING,n BY AMENDING SAID SECTION <br />SO AS TO FIX THE TYPE OF ELECTION FOR ANY <br />ESTABLISHMENT LICENSED TO SELL NON-INTOXICATING <br />BEER MUST BE CLOSED; CONTAINING A SAVING CLAUSE <br />AND PROV I D I NG A PENALTY° <br /> <br />BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY <br /> <br />CITY, MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> Section 1 o Chapter 4 of the Mun ic i pa I Code of the City of <br /> <br />University City, relating to alcoholic Beverages0 is hereby amended by <br /> <br />repealing Section 4-45 thereof~ as amendedby Ordinance Nee 4861~ <br /> <br />enacted August 120 1974, relating to hours of sale of alcohol ic <br /> <br />beverages, and enacting in lieu thereof a new section ate be known as <br /> <br />"Section 4-45° Hours of sale; sale on Sunday and election dav; hours <br /> <br />of closings" by amending said section so as to fix the type of <br /> <br />election for any establishment licensed to sell non-intoxicating beer <br />must be closed0 relating to the same subject~ and re-enacting said <br /> <br />section so that said section, as so amended~ shall read as follows: <br /> <br />Section 4-45° <br /> <br />Hours of sale; sale on Sunday and elc;ction <br /> day; hour,s of c 1 os i ng o <br /> <br />It shall be unlawful for any l icensee or any agent or employee <br />of such l icensec under this article to sec~ give away or <br />otherwise dispose of or suffer the same to be done upon or <br />about his premises any non-intoxicating boer in any quantity <br />between the hours of 1:30 AoM° and 6:00 AoMo, nor shall any <br />such person sell~ give away or otherwise dispose of or suffer <br />the same to be done upon or about such premises any <br />non-intoxicating beer in any quantity whatever between the <br />hours of 1:30 AoM° and 1:00 PoMo on the first day of the week <br />commonly called Sunday or upon the day of any general, special <br />or primary election, whether national 0 state, county or <br />municipal~ held in the City at which candidates for public <br />office are elected or nominated0 after !:30 AoNo on such day; <br />provid,sd, that the sale of such non-intoxicating beer may be <br />resumed on any such election day after the expiration of <br />thirty minutes next fol Iowing the hour or time fixed by law <br />for the closing of the polls at any such election. <br /> <br />It shall be unlawful for any person having a license under <br />this article to remain open for business to the public between <br />the hours of 1:30 AoMo and 6:00 AoMo on weekdays or on <br />Saturday~ or after 1:30 A~Mo on Sunday° <br /> <br />Section 2° This ordinance shall not be construed so as <br /> <br />to relieve any person, firm or corporation from any penalty heretofore <br /> <br />incurred by the violation of Section 4-450 nor bar the prosecution for <br /> <br />any such violation° <br /> <br /> <br />