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e) "Channel'~ means a six megahertz (MHz) frequency band which is <br />capable of carrying either one standard video signal, s number of audio, <br />tal or other non-video signals, or some continuation of such ~ignals. <br /> <br /> f) "Class IV Channel" means a signaling path provided by a cable <br />television system to transmit signals of any type from a subscriber terminal to <br />another point in the ~able television system. <br /> <br /> g) "City" is the City of University City, which is a Home Rule <br />City and a Municipal Corporation in the State of Missouri. <br /> <br /> h) "Company" is Continental Cablevision of St. Louis County, Inc., <br />the grantee of rights under this ordinance awarding a franchise, or the lawful <br />successor, transferee or assignee. <br /> <br /> i) "Commence construction" shall mean that time and date when <br />construction of the Cable Television System is considered to have commenced, <br />which shall be when the preliminary engineering (strand mapping) or network de- <br />sign is initiated~ and after all necessary permits and authorizations have been <br />obtained and contracts and documents entered into. <br /> <br /> j) "Commence operation" shall mean that time and date when oper- <br />ation of the Cable Television System is considered to have commenced which <br />shall he when sufficient distribution facilities have been installed so as to <br />permit the offering of full network service to at least twenty percent (20%) of <br />the dwelling units located within the service area. <br /> <br /> k) "Converter" means an electronic device which converts signals <br />to a frequency not susceptible to interference within the television receiver <br />of a subscriber, and by an appropriate channel selector also permits a sub- <br />scriber to view all signals included in the basic service delivered at <br />designated converter dial locations. <br /> <br /> 1) "City Council" or Council" shall mean the governing body of the <br />City of University City, Missouri. <br /> <br /> m) "Depreciated value" means the value as shown on the Company's <br />books and records of all the cable television system's tangible assets after <br />depreciation which shall be calculated to the end of the Company's last fiscal <br />year. Said value shall not include "good will" or any value that Company's <br />books and records attribute to the franchise. <br /> <br /> <br />