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EXHIBIT A <br /> <br /> A tract of land being part o! Lot 9 of "Eliza Clemens £atate Subdivision" <br /> according to t~e plat thereof recorded in Plat ~k 2 page 42 of the St, ~uis <br /> County Y~eords ~d p~t of "~versIty Msiabee", m sqbdi~sion accordinK to <br /> the plat thereof recorded ~m Plat ~k 6 pares l& and 15 of said ~ty ~eords, <br /> said tract ~tng in U.S; S~ey 378, T~shtp 45 ~rth, ~nge 6 East, St. ~uls <br /> ~tv. F~ssourt, ~d ~eimg ~re ~art~cularly described as folly: <br /> ~i~iog at a point ~n the ~est ll~ of ~mRslamd A~nue, BO feet ~, <br />~ing 25~.50 feet ~rth of t~ northeft co~r of · tract ~ or fo~rly <br />c~veyed to t~ City of ~i*ers~ ~ty b~ deed recorded ~m ~ok 6333 page 2313 <br />of t~e St. ~ ~unty ~cor~: t~nce ~s~rd17 al~R a'l~ne ~mdt~lar <br />~o ma~d wst 1~ of ~m~elmnd Aven~ I36.50 f~t to m ~tnt: th~ce c~tinutmK <br />~~dlT 19&.10 feet to a potnt in t~ east 1~ of Block A of the afor~t~d <br />"Uni~eraity ~t~hts" ~d ~tnt ~ 479.80 feet ~rth ml~g said ~at l~ne fr~ <br />t~ north 1~ of ~l~r ~le~ard. E0 feet ~de: t~nce ~rt~rdlT al~R ~d <br />aast l~ne of ~i.~ Bloc~ 4 and its prolongat~om 1~.30 feet to · point; t~n~ <br />~a~dly ~on~ a li~ ~rpen~cular to ~aid eaat 1~ of said Block ~, 74.00 <br />f~t to a point in the east l~me ef Ma~d A~n~, 50 feet %~de: t~n~ morth- <br />~ardly al~g ~d use ~ of Ha~d Avenue, to t~ sout~at co~er of ~t 3 <br />of ~1~ 2 of ~ld "Umiverm~ty ~ghts"; t~mce eas~rdly alonR t~ ~uth line of <br />~d ~t 3 of BI~k ~, 138.19 f~t to the ~ut~aet ~r t~reof: thence north- <br />~dly alon~. t~ ~st 1~ of ~d Block ~, 213.00 feet to a ~tmt; t~ce east- <br />~rdly aI~R a 1~ p~mdi~ar to the afore~mti~d ~t lime of ~mRmlamd <br />A*~ 180.~ feet to a ~int tm ~td ~et I~; thence south~rdly alomg said <br />~t ~n~ of Klng~nd Avem~ 568.50 f~: to the point of ~i~ng and c~taining <br />~ all 151,830 sq~re f~t or 3.55 acres ~ra or ~ss. <br /> <br /> <br />