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INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMEMBER SCHOOMER <br /> <br />BILL NO. 7801 ORDINANCE NO. 5598 <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE ~NDING CHAPTER 21 OF TIlE MUNICIPAL CODE OF <br />THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, RELATING TO MOTOR VEHICLES <br />AND TRAFFIC, BY P~PEALING SECTION 21-133 THEREOF, AS <br />AMENDED BY ORDINANCE NO. 5547, ENACTED JULY 7, 1986, <br />RELATING TO PROHIBITED PARKING ON CERTAIN STREETS DURING <br />DESIGNATED ttOURS, AND ENACTING IN LIEU THEREOF A NEW <br />SECTION TO BE KNOWN AS "SECTION 21-133. PARKING <br />PROHIBITED ON CERTAIN .STREETS-DURING DESIGNATED HOURS," <br />BY ~4ENDING SAID SECTION SO AS,TO DELETE THE TIMED PARK- <br />ING PROHIBITION ON TIlE NORTH SIDE OF FORSYTH BOULEVARD <br />FROM LINDELL BOULEVARD TO ~IE EAST CITY LIMITS, AND <br />PROHIBIT PAP, KING ON THE SOUTH. SIDE OF FORSYTH BOULEVARD <br />FROM DEL-LIN DRIVE TO THE EAST CITY LIMITS, BETWEEN THE <br />HOURS OF 7:00 A.M AND 9:00 A.M.. AND BETWEEN THE HOURS OF <br />3:00 P.M. AND 6.:00 P.M. ON .EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK EXCEPT <br />SATURDAY, SUNDAY, AND HOLIDAYS; CONTAINING A SAVING <br />CLAUSE AND PROVIDING A PENALTY. <br /> <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF.. THE CITY OF UNIVERSITY CITY, <br />MISSOURI, AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> S.e_~gipR 1. Chapter 21 of the Municipal Code of the City of <br />University City, relating to motor vehicles .and traffic is hereby amended by <br /> <br />repealing Section 21-133, amended by Ordinance No. 5547, enacted <br /> <br />July 7, 1986, relating to prohibited .parking on certain streets during <br /> <br />designated bourse, and'iieu..thereof a new section to be known as <br /> <br />"Section 21-133. Parking prohibited on certain streets-during designated <br /> <br />hours," by amending said section so,, delete the timed parking prohi- <br />bition on the north.aide..o'f =For~t~ BOulevard from Lindell Boulevard to the <br />east City ii-mits, and pr~h~bi~---pmrlting ~ the ~outh <br /> <br />from Del-Lin Drive to the. eas. t. City. Limits, between the hours of <br />and 9:00 A.M. and_between the hou~s..of 3:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. on <br />of the week except Saturday, Sunday,~ and holidays; relating to <br /> <br />7:00 A.M. <br />every day <br /> <br /> the same <br /> <br />subject, and re-enacting said sectiom,, amended, shall read as follows: <br /> <br /> Se.~.~.~!%!3~' Pay~g .... P-r~h~b~,t~e~. ?n~9~f~in pg.Ke.~s- <br />.................... d~gde~i~gq~t~l.~. <br /> <br /> Alta Dena Court: On the west side thereof from <br /> University Pershing Avenue between the hours of <br />...9:.00 a.m. and 11:00 a..m. On the east side thereof between <br /> the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m., except Saturday, <br /> Sunday and holidays. <br /> <br />Balson Avenue: On. the no~th .side thereof between Jackson <br />Avenue ~n'-d~H--a~nley Road. between.the hours of 8:00 A.M. and <br />4:00 P.M.,. On every day of the week except Satruday, Sun- <br />day and holidays, and election days. <br /> <br /> Bartmer Avenue: On the north side thereof on Wednesday <br />.only.and on the south:side, thereof on Monday only, from <br /> Sutter Avenue. to;...the..east~ity limits; and between Fer- <br /> gusom. A~enue...and Kingslan& Avenue between the hours of <br /> <br />· 9.:.00 ~a..m. and 12:00 Noon.~ .~On.the north side thereof, on <br /> Sunday only, from the w~est, aurh.line of Sutter Avenue for <br /> a distance of 86 feet. <br /> <br /> <br />