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regulations set forth in this Planl for the purposes of <br />undertaking a rehabilitation demonstration program in order to <br />encourage the rehabilitation of buildings beyond minimum <br />standards by private owners and other parties of interest| and <br />to prevent or eliminate blighted, substandard, deteriorated, <br />non-conforming or other conditions not foreseen or noted at the <br />time of adoption of this Plan. <br /> <br />The Land Clearance Authority may in its discretion exercise its <br />authority to acquire by the power of eminent domain granted to <br />it by Chapter 99 of the Missouri Revised Statutes of 1978 <br />improved real estate with one or more vacant buildings thereon <br />for the purpose of causing the rehabilitation and reuse of the <br />property for the urban renewal project. The Land Clearance <br />Authority may exercise the power of eminent domain in the <br />manner and under the procedure provided by the laws of the <br />State of Missouri. At such time as the Land Clearance <br />Authority makes a determination that it desires to use its <br />power of eminent domain to acquire a parcel or parcels of real <br />estate, the Land Clearance Authority shall notify in writing <br />the governing body of University City of said intention. If <br />said governing body does not object to the Land Clearance <br />Authority's proposed action within thirty (30) days of said <br />written notice, the Land Clearance Authority may exercise its <br />authority of eminent domain. <br /> <br />The Land Clearance Authority may clear where necessary, and <br />sell or lease for redevelopmerit, renewal, or rehabilitation and <br />subsequent disposition, all or any portion of such property <br />which it has acquired under the conditions set forth <br />hsrsinabove. Where such property is sold or leased for <br />redevelopmsnt, the Authority shall establish controls relating <br />to land use and building requirements, and such controls shall <br />be consistent with the requirements and controls imposed upon <br />similar property by provision of the Urban Renewal Plan. <br /> <br />The Authority may devote Property which it has acquired to <br />temporary uses prior to the time such property is needed for <br />redevelopmerit. Such uses may include, but are not limited to, <br />project office facilities, rehabilitation demonstration <br />projects, parking, relocation purposes, or public recreational <br />uses in accordance with such standards, controls, and <br />regulations as the Authority may deem appropriate. <br /> <br />In connection with the urban renewal project, the Land <br />Clearance Authority may in its discretion offer to a properly <br />organized urban redevelopment corporation which presents a plan <br />for building rehabilitation and renovation conforming to the <br />Land Clearance Authority's specifications and design standards <br />some or all of the benefits of limited tax abatement but not <br />the use of the power of eminent domain in accordance with <br />Chapter 353 of the Missouri Revised Statutes of 1978. At such <br />time as the Land Clearance Authority makes a determination that <br />it desires to grant said tax abatement to an urban <br />redevelopment corporation, the Land Clearance Authority shall <br /> <br />-10- <br /> <br /> <br />