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Rabbinical College recorded ~n nook 6883, Page 150 oE the St. Louis County <br />· Records; thence Southerly, along the Easterly line oE said College tract, <br />325 £eec (more or less) co the Southeast corner oE same; thence Uesterly~ <br />along the Southerly line og said Col.legs tracts 235 Eeet Cruets oc less) <br />to the Southwest cprner oE uame~ .the.ace Hortherlye along the ~estecly <br />line o[ said ColleBe tracts 2GO'geet (mo~e oc less) to the Southeast corner <br />og a certain tract as described ~n deed to ~rsc Capitol FInance Corp. <br />recorded In Dook. 7258~ ~age 59L o~. the 8t,'~oule County accords; thence <br />Uestetly~ a.~'on8 the Southerly. 1the og said ~lnance Corp, tract and <br /> ptolongatlon~ 662 Eeet (more ot less) to a point In the. ~e8tetly ILne <br /> og lienIcy Road~ thence Hoc~herlys alon~ the ~e~tetly 1.1ne oE }!anley Road~ <br /> 280 ~eet (more ot leas) to 1re intersection ~Lth the Southerly ILne <br /> O~Lve Dlvd,~ thence ~e~tetly~ along the Southerly line o['~llve Blvd.~ <br /> 9~9 ~eet (more oc le~) to a point In the' Eap.terly line og. a certaln tracg <br /> as described in deed to Ilugh & J. D, C=abttee~ et al recorded Ln Book 7L67~ <br /> PaSs 1708 oE the St. Louis County ~ecocda; thence Southerly, along the <br /> ~astecly line oE aa~d Crabtree tcact~ iS0 ~eec (mote or less) to the Southeast <br /> corner oE same; thence ~esterly~ aZong the Soutl~ecly line o~ said Crabtree <br /> tcact~ 1~0 Eeet (mo~e or 1e~) to the Southuest corner o[ same~.a point <br /> in the Easterly llne oE gemley Court (G0 Eeet uLde)~ thence <br /> alon8 the Easterly line o~ Remley Coutt~ ~0 Eeet (more oc less) to <br /> Intersection uLth the Easterly prolongation oE the Southerly line oE a <br /> certain tract aa ~eactlbed In deed to ~Jatt~n & E, S, ~luellet recorded <br /> In Dook ~9~ ~age ~2~9 oE the St. Louis County ~ecordal thence <br /> alon8 the Southerly line oe eaLd Huelle= tract and ~ta Easterly and ~esterly <br /> ptolongatlon~ 322 Eeet (more or less) to a poLn~ In the ~estecly. ILne <br /> og North & South Road' (72 East uLde~ more ot lee~)~ thence Southerly~ <br /> along the ~esterly ILne og eaLd North A South Road, 10~ Eeec (more <br /> less) to Its latersection uLth the ~locthecly line oE ~ocgan Ave, (~0 <br /> u~de)~ ~hence ~ee~erly~ alon5 enid Hocthecly.llne~ ~89 Eeet (more ot <br /> to 1re lntersect~on ul~h the Easterly .l~ne oE Ht, Olive Ave. (2~ <br /> ulde)i thence Hotthetly~ along.the EastcoZy line oE.Ht, Olive Ave.~ 80 Eeec <br /> (more or leas) to a point pecpendlcu]a=ly opposite the point oE ~ntecsectlon <br /> oE the ~eetecly l~ne oE Ht, OLive Ave, (~0 Eeet v1de) and the Hotthue8terly <br /> 31ne oE Gcoby ~oad (60 Eeet vLde)~ thence ~estecly~ along sold perpendicular <br /> /lass 85 Eeet (more ot lose) to said point oE intersection; thence South- <br /> uesterly~ alon~ the Notthueetetly llne oE Groby Road~ 671 Eeec (more or <br /> leas) to the mo~t Southerly Southveer c~tnet oE a cectaln tract as described <br /> in deed to Olive Street ~topett/ee ~attnecshLp ~ecocded In Dook <br /> Page 281 oE the St, ~ouLe County accords; thence ~otth~esterly~ along <br /> the Southueetecly l~nes oE enid ~attnecahtp tract and the Southwest lines <br /> oE a certain tract ae described tn deed to JangJ/caua~ ~oon ChaL and Ton <br /> ~len Kleu recorded in Book 796~'~age 1863 oE the S~, Lou~a County Recotds~ <br /> ~oc a total dLstance oE 832 Eeet .(more oc less) to the Hocth~esc cornet <br /> oE ea~d ~angJLcauat tract, a point Ln ~be Southerly line oE aa~d OtLve <br /> Dlvd,~ thence Nocth~oatecly~ and creasing enid Olive Dlvd, ~ ~60 Eeet (more <br /> oc less) to the Southwest corner oE a certain tract' ae described in deed <br /> to Z~aac ~. &Vlole R. Pol~ck recorded in the St. ~ouls ~ounty Records,. <br /> same belng a point in the Hocthecly 11he oE 8aid OILve D]vd, ~ thence Horthecly~ <br /> alon~ the ~estecly I/he oE ea~d eelIrk tracC~ LLO Eeet (more oc less) <br /> to the Horthvest cornet oE aame~ a ~olnt in the Southerly l~ne oE a 15 <br /> ulde alley; thence Eastecly~ along the SoutherZy line oE aal~ alley and <br /> <br /> <br />