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PM-113.8 Placarding of structure <br />Upon failure of the owner or person responsible to comply with the <br />notice provisions within the time given, the code official shall <br />post on the premises or on defective equipment, a placard bearing <br />the words "Condemned for Human Occupancy or Use" and a statement of <br />the penalties provided for occupancy or use or removing the <br />placard. <br /> <br />PM-113.9 Prohibited use <br />Any person who shall occupy a placarded premises or shall use <br />placarded equipment, and any owner or any person responsible for <br />the premises who shall let anyone occupy a placarded premises shall <br />be liable for the penalties provided by this code. <br /> <br />PM-113.10 Removal of placard <br />The code official shall remove the condemnation placard whenever <br />the defect or defects upon which the condemnation and placarding <br />action were based have been eliminated. Any person who defaces or <br />removes a condemnation placard without the approval of the code <br />official shall be subject to the penalties provided by this code. <br /> <br />SECTION PM-114.0 DEMOLITION <br /> <br />PM-114.1 General <br />Any structure which is found to be detrimental to the health, <br />safety or welfare of the residents of the City of University City <br />and which is declared to be a public nuisance by the code official <br />shall be vacated and demolished or repaired in strict accordance <br />with the provisions of this section. <br /> <br />PM-114.2 Public nuisance <br />Any structure found to have any of the following defects shall be <br />deemed to be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of the <br />residents of the City of University City and shall be declared a <br />public nuisance. <br /> <br />Bearing wall, earth retaining wall, column, or other vertical <br />structural member which leans or buckles to such an extent <br />that it is likely to partially or completely collapse and <br />injure the occupants or members of the public. <br /> <br />Floor, roof, wall, structural member or structural connection <br />which is overloaded or which has insufficient strength to be <br />safe for the purpose used so as to be likely to collapse and <br />injure the occupants or members of the public. <br /> <br />Part of a structure which is so attached that it is likely to <br />fall and injure the occupants or members of the public. <br /> <br />A structure or part thereof which has been so damaged by fire, <br />wind, or other causes, so as to become dangerous to the <br />occupants or members of the public. <br /> -6- <br /> <br /> <br />