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or for drawing other vehicles or farm or road <br />building implements and having no provision for <br />carrying loads independently. <br /> <br />Traffic: Pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, <br />vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances either <br />singly or together while using any strmet for <br />purposes of travel. <br /> <br />Traffic-Control Signal: Any device, whether <br />manually, electrically or mechanically operated, by <br />which traffic is alternately directed to stop and <br />proceed. <br /> <br />Trailer: Any vehicle without motive power designed <br />f~r carrying passengers or property on its own <br />structure and for being drawn by any vehicle, <br />except those running exclusively on tracks, ~nclud- <br />ing a semitrailer or vehicle of the trailer type so <br />deszgned and used in conjunction with any vehicle <br />thai a considerable part of its own weight rests <br />upon and is carried by the towing vehicle. <br /> <br />Vehicle: Every device upon, in or by which any <br />per-son or property is or may be transported or <br />drawn upon a public highway, except devices moved <br />by human power or used exclusively upon stationary <br />rails or tracks; provided, that when used in <br />connection w~th parking meters, the word "vehicle" <br />shall mean any device in, upon or by which any <br />person or property is or may be transported Lipon a <br />highway, excep~ a device which is operated upon <br />rails or tracks. <br /> <br /> Section 2. 7'his ordinance shall not be construed so as <br />to relieve any person, firm or corporation from any penalty <br />herere, fore incurred by the violation of Section 21-1 nor bar <br />the prosecution for any such violation. <br /> <br /> Section ~. Any person, firm or corporation v~olating <br />any of the provisions of this ordinance shall, upon <br />conviction thereof, be subject to the penalty provided in <br />Chapter 1~ Section 1-8 of the Municipal Code of the City of <br />University City. <br /> <br />-5-- <br /> <br /> <br />